"This is a wonderful day. I've never seen this one before." ~ Maya Angelou Good days, bad days and everything in between. We all have them, but I sincerely hope your bad days are in short supply in your corner of the world. For quite some time my family was riddled in deep grief and sorrow after a lengthy period of profound loss of several family members, including my precious mom. Since that time I have personally declared this year THE YEAR OF JOY for that reason. I am bound and determined to find joy anywhere and everywhere, even if some days it is harder to spot. Most of our days generally speaking seem quite ordinary, yet even those run of the mill days are full of many gifts if you open your eyes to see them. Let's highlight a few of my personal favs. The gift of waking upOn one of our local radio stations the DJ would always say "If there is air in your lungs today, praise the Lord as He is the one who put it there." This little phrase has always resonated with me. Every day we wake up to face a new day, as mundane or routine as it may seem, is a true privilege that some do not get. My mom unexpectedly died in her sleep. We were totally shocked and heartbroken. No one even considered that that particular Thursday would be her last, and that she would go to bed and never wake up. For this reason I am MORE thankful for EVERY day God gives me to love and honour Him the best I can. For a while I had been caught in the rut of "counting the days" instead of "making the days count." It is my goal now to strive to find meaning in each and every day to the best of my ability. I woke up to face another day. I am blessed. The gift of God's wordStarting each day with a devotional and reading God's word sets a wonderful tone for my day and gives me something positive to take with me as I head out the door. Since I was a child, my mom would help us memorize scripture and tell us to "tuck God's word in our hearts." I continue this routine and find God's word so meaningful and comforting on all my types of days. If reading scripture is new for you, there are many different translations and types of Christian bibles and you can find what suits you. Some examples are: the King James version, which is more like old English writing, using words like thee, thou and thus. Then there is a version called The Message Bible which puts scripture in everyday words that you and I use today. It is a matter of personal preference. The important thing is to READ the Bible, and a good place to start is Psalms and Proverbs if you are new at this. Having God's word at my fingertips helps me to know I am blessed. The gift of hot coffeeWhere are my coffee loving friends at? You are my people! That first cup of coffee, especially in the morning, really hits home. It is very special to wake up in the quiet of the morning before all the activity picks up and savor a hot coffee and some peaceful moments. I am drawn to all my favourite mugs. Lots of them have cool stories behind them, like the Charlie Brown one I just got from one of my students. This is my current favourite hands down. Sip, savor and smile. I can wake up and have a warm cup of coffee in my hand in minutes. I am blessed. The gift of so much clothes and foodEvery day I get to CHOOSE what I will wear. I am sure many of you are like me and have many options of what to wear. Recently I packed up 3 bags of clothes for the thrift store and it did not even make a dent in my closet. My fashion options are many. I am blessed. My fridge and cupboard are also full and I realize this is often not the case for many. So much food for my family, and I do not have to worry about where our next meal is coming from. I am blessed. The gift of my own carFor many years we had only one car. I felt stranded all the time and often had to walk or bike places. Then we got a second car and well with two young adults sharing it with me, let's just say I was the one often asking friends for rides. Recently however, my daughter purchased her first car and something AMAZING happened for me... FREEDOM! With my own car now I feel very liberated. I can come and go as I please without making an elaborate car sharing schedule. Having a car to myself is a daily gift I am enjoying immensely. I am blessed. The gift of my careerMy teaching job is a BIG answered prayer. For many years I tried to get a teaching contract but it was difficult as full-time jobs were scarce and in Ontario, Canada you must supply teach, day to day for quite a while before getting a permanent job. When I FINALLY got a contract, my superintendent told me to "shout it from the the mountaintops," and my principal at the time literally danced with me up and down the hallway. IT WAS A BIG DEAL! I have a great job. I am blessed. Well my friends, I hope my little walk down the path of the ordinary day, gave you something to think about. I know it sure did for me. I am working on being more grateful in all areas of my life. Being thankful for ALL my days, even the ones that are less noteworthy, is a great place to start! Until next time, Dana Ephesians 5:20 ~ Always give thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. Little Lesson Learned: Always remember the things we often take for granted every day is what some only dream of.
Copyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi) Tags: blessings, gratitude, ordinary days, thankfulness, perspective
School starts tomorrow here in Ontario, Canada. After an eventful, enjoyable summer, I am headed back to start my 21st year as an elementary teacher. With retirement coming soon, I am fully determined to make my last years the best years yet! I know I will have a hard time sleeping tonight as I trade the lazy days of summer for the busy, daily demands that an elementary teacher's schedule entails. Even teachers get nervous before the first day of school, and I am no exception, even after 20 years in the classroom. I am sure I will check my alarm again and again, and again. I wanted to take this time to share some things that are on my heart as I head back to Room 21 once again. The classroom is ready to say WELCOME!All last week, I spent time in my classroom, tidying, organizing and getting my classroom in order to prepare for my students' arrival. I did a lot of purging this year as well, as I had some personal resources and stuff that was no longer useful. It is so satisfying to get everything ready and feel well prepared to welcome the kids in. I have lots of inspirational signs and positive affirmations all around the room to foster a warm and inviting classroom atmosphere. Desks are placed in small groups to encourage friendship and group interaction. What is now a very quiet and sacred space will soon become a busy bustle of excitement and energy. The students are there for more than learning.I have always been a firm believer that the students are placed in a specific teacher's class for many reasons. Our team spends great effort and careful consideration placing each student in a class that meets their needs and learning styles. As a Christian teacher I also believe that God has my students there for a greater reason. I have only 10 months to love them, laugh and learn with them and I take that very seriously. I want them to remember this year with fondness as they reflect on their time at my school. It is so amazing to see their personalities come out as they feel comfortable and to see learning, growth and personal development happen. We become a little family and it is always amazing to witness. I pray for my students that they will thrive, love school and feel very loved here. It is my desire that they have found a place where they feel like they truly belong in Room 21. Great colleagues make your day.They say "it takes a village to raise a child," and that falls into place as well in our schools. We work with these kids as a team, striving to help them in all areas. Many days can be stressful and difficult, but with great coworkers, it somehow makes even the hardest days bearable. I have an incredible group of people who I work with. They listen and help me problem solve. Having them in my corner is absolutely amazing. We need each other in the education field and I am so glad I never feel alone. A bonus as well is the kids provide us with some of our biggest laughs too and that sure helps to break the tension of a difficult day. My heart is ready.It is often hard to say goodbye to a group of students in June. As much as I try not to be emotional, more often than not I have a huge lump in my throat and tears in my eyes as they leave for the summer. We have come so far as a little family and at times it seems sad to have to start over again in September. But then September comes and the new group arrives with all their toothless grins and boundless energy and we start all. over. again. Yes, working with kids can be stressful, difficult and frustrating at times, yet beyond the challenging parts there truly is so much joy and satisfaction. I have a plaque on my desk that says "Find the Joy in Every Day" and that is what I strive to do. Some days are harder to find the joy than others, but that's just life sometimes. You take the good with the bad and we get through it together. My new class right now are names on a page, but I know soon they will be sweet little students who have made a lasting imprint on my heart. Until next time, Dana Psalms 37:5 ~ Commit your ways to the Lord. Trust also in Him, and He will do it. Little Lesson Learned: Kids need caring mentoring adults who believe in them. Getting to work with kids and help shape them for the future is a great responsibility.
Copyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi) Tags: teaching, teachers, elemetary teaching, classroom, Christian teachers, back to school |
September 2024