It's a Wonderful Life is my all-time favourite Christmas movie. Interestingly enough, my daughter Shannon had not seen it in its entirety so last night was the night. She truly enjoyed it. What a delight that movie is. I could actually watch it again and again. Even though this film was made 78 years ago, the powerful message of the movie still holds so true today. The message is simply how one person makes such a profound difference in the lives of others. For those that may be unfamiliar with this movie classic, let me explain. The storyline involves a small town man, named George Bailey who never got the chance to "see the world" as he so desired due to various circumstances beyond his control. Stuck in his little town of Bedford Falls, he reluctantly makes a name for himself running his father's small building and loan business. Through a serious mistake of one of his employees, forgetful Uncle Billy, George finds himself missing a huge sum of money. This causes George extreme stress as the villain of the story Mr. Potter, who owns everything in the town except the Bailey Building and Loan is giddy about the fact that George may go to jail and the Bailey Building and Loan will finally crumble. To add insult to injury, Mr. Potter knows exactly where the money is, but his lips are sealed. Desperate and alone, George contemplates suicide, but through heavenly intervention he comes to see the difference he has made in so many lives and that his life is still wonderful in spite of this recent crisis. I find the storyline of It's a Wonderful Life so relatable. I have found that in times of stress and crisis, it is so easy to think that my existence on this earth makes little to no difference to others. Caught up in my own pain and perhaps self pity, I cannot see beyond my immediate circumstances. It is in these situations time and time again that God lovingly reminds me of how much He loves me and that I DO matter to my family, friends, students and community. There is only one ME and I was lovingly created by God to fulfill a distinct purpose and calling. I find such comfort in that reassurance and have always felt that if I could make a difference in even ONE person's life, my time on earth has been very well spent. Have you ever felt this way my friend? Have you thought that you DON'T matter? If so, let me put a stop to that nonsense right now. You are so loved and valued and just like George you make such a profound impact on others each and every day. It may be hard to see at times, but the world is definitely a better, brighter place simply because of YOU! When hard times come, as they often do, don't forget what an important person you are to so many. Many would have stories to tell if they had the opportunity of how you have blessed them in some way and we serve a loving Saviour that thought you and I were so special that we were worth dying for so we could have eternal life in Heaven with Him. How incredible it that? So my friend, if you are struggling with self worth, know that I believe in you and so does God. I also highly recommend curling up with a nice hot chocolate and watching It's a Wonderful Life. Let the message of the power of one ~ (YOU) fill your heart to overflowing this Christmas! Until next time, Dana John 10:10 ~ Jesus came to provide an abundant life, which includes spiritual riches. Little Lesson Learned: Never doubt you matter. You do, to so many. Tags: It's a Wonderful Life, Christmas, power of one, making a differenceCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi)
"Have yourself a Merry little Christmas. Let your heart be light.” ~ Hugh Martin The Christmas season is here once again and amongst all the wonderful aspects of Christmas comes also unfortunately the stress of the hustle and bustle associated with this time of year. Let’s see, there are of course gifts to buy, which then leads to gifts to wrap, cards to send, trees to put up and decorate, parties to plan and attend, cookies to bake, and the list goes on and on! As a matter of fact, I am getting a little tired just writing the previous sentence! To my relief, my tree is up, not yet decorated, but it is indeed up. Yeah, me! As we have an artificial tree, I usually make a point of getting it up early November. Our tree and Christmas decorating goes up in stages. When it is done, it is so satisfying and I do really enjoy the calming and cozy atmosphere a lit tree provides. I can use a little more of that type of atmosphere right now, and I don’t think I am alone! Christmas carols are all over the radio and amongst the favourites you often hear is “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” yet when things get hectic, it certainly may not seem so. It is really necessary to find the splashes of joy that are around you. My mom would bring splashes of joy to my classroom every time she came and especially at Christmas through something unusual: ugly sweaters. It all started one year when my mom brought some ugly Christmas sweaters over for my son as he needs one for an upcoming party. I asked her to show the my students as we are studying holiday traditions and I thought Ugly Christmas Sweater Parties would be a funny tradition to discuss. The kids got a real kick out of the discussion and several students excitedly modelled the sweaters in an impromptu fashion show. The priceless thing about it was these kids loved the sweaters and asked to wear them most of the day! Those tacky, overly festive, much too big sweaters brought those students so much joy. It was impossible not to laugh and feel the joy with them. Who would think that something so simple could make their day. The ugly sweater lesson has become an annual tradition in Room 21. It is certainly not the same without Mom there, but I know she is smiling down on me. It is also during those special moments that I feel especially close to her, even though she spends her Christmases in Heaven now. Also I purchased three chocolate advent calendars and each day three different students get to open a door and receive a seasonal chocolate. This too always generates so much excitement and smiles. Something so small, but still very meaningful. It is a great feeling to focus on giving rather than receiving and it really brings the joy of the season to reality. Sometimes when you hear of sad situations some folks are experiencing this season, you can be provided with a unique opportunity to be a "Secret Santa" to someone and that is so rewarding. One year a teaching colleague of mine told me a story that really broke my heart. She said that her kids had a Christmas party at their daycare center that they had signed up for. The reason they had to sign up was so that Santa would have enough presents for all the wonderful boys and girls. My friend eagerly signed up her kids and they were so excited to see Santa and receive a little gift. Here’s where the story takes a tragic turn. Many families did not sign up, but came anyway. This put the daycare center party in a very difficult position, because they were running out of presents very quickly. As my friends' kids finally made it to the front of the line, Santa wished them a very "Merry Christmas,” but sadly said he was “so sorry but he ran out of presents.” Seriously! Not his fault at all, but my friend said her kids were absolutely devastated. She tried to explain to them any way she could about the mishap but there was no comforting them whatsoever. So heartbreaking! I shared this sad story with my daughter and we made it our mission to “right this wrong.” We went out and purchased gifts for my friend's kids and sent them off to her school from Santa Claus. With the gifts, “Santa” apologized saying that he found these gifts in the back of his sleigh after the party and he was so sorry about what happened that day. My friend put out a thank you email to whoever was “Santa” and shared how it meant so much to her and her kids. My daughter and I were so excited to do this and to hear it really touched them was a bonus. Splashes of joy had filled both our hearts and theirs! Joy can come in the most unusual places if we are looking for it. Even Charlie Brown from the Peanuts Gang struggled during the season to find the joy of the holidays. He did find joy eventually through the help of a group of friends and a tiny tree that needed a little love. You see, Christmas joy is not linked to dollar amounts. We do not find true joy in getting the latest this or that necessarily, but it is really about the others around us. We can bring joy to others through so many little things. A hug, a smile, a card, a word of encouragement, or a listening ear can all go very far during this busy season. I am going Christmas caroling with my class door to door in the school before the Christmas break. The students get so excited to do this. I feel some of my best memories at Christmas involved caroling. I am so pleased to bring back this special tradition and share this with them. You know how Buddy the Elf says “The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for all to hear!” That is our goal and I hope by doing this it does spread some splashes of joy to those rooms we visit. The Christmas season has just begun and the joy splashing possibilities are endless! I hope you are able to be on the giving and receiving end of something that brings you a splash of joy in an otherwise routine, and typical day. This is the whole reason why Christ came as a baby in the manger. The angels said on the night of His birth that they brought tidings of great joy which shall be to all people, not just a select few. I pray that you will have the joy of the season with Christ by your side this Christmas. The lyrics of a Christmas song say it so well. “May the joy of the season surround you, as the flame of His love keeps you warm. May you be overflowing this Christmas, with the glorious gifts from above.” This is my sincere wish for each and every one of you! Joy to you this Christmas and always, Dana Psalms 71:23 ~ My lips will shout for joy, when I sing praise to you – I whom you have delivered. Little Lesson Learned: In all the craziness that sometimes come with this time of year, make a conscious effort to seek, receive and give joy. It will mean so much to you and others. Tags: Christmas, joy, giving gifts, Jesus, stress of Christmas, presents, mindfulness, true meaning of ChristmasCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi) second edition / first edition 2014: May The Joy of the Season Surround You
January 2025