"Take a deep breath and enjoy your life." Author Unknown Congrats everyone! Summer is here! WE MADE IT! I hope you have some quiet time and vacation time set aside for you and your family. I have some great getaways planned and am also excited to just not be tied to a schedule and bell all day like when I am teaching. Down time away from the craziness of daily routines is so therapeutic to our souls. We need to just slow down and BREATHE. Sometimes when it gets a little hectic in the classroom, and I need to get everyone focused and just calm ourselves a bit, I do so by doing some deep breaths in and out together. It always works as it puts everyone’s focus on relaxing and breathing properly. An added bonus is it also brings out lots of giggles as they like to see who can exhale the longest! When I was doing addictions counselling I remember on a training video the power of deep breathing was described as well. The trainer was describing how when she was struggling with her own addiction recovery, how deep breathing would help her overcome potential relapse situations. She mentioned that studies have shown by just breathing deeply, it can actually alter your brain chemistry allowing the body to come into a more relaxed and functional state. Overscheduling is a chronic issue in today’s society. We can feel overwhelmed and feel that we are always trying to play beat the clock. I know I have been in that category. I remember one little guy telling me at school that he was dreading that evening so much. He explained that he had basketball practice at school, then lacrosse and hockey practice and finally guitar lessons. Yikes! Kids are crying out for breathing room as well. This is why recess is so important and why they enjoy it so much. Everyone needs those breaks to keep them going. When we make the conscious effort to schedule in what is beneficial for us, it helps us to focus better on who and what is most important to us as well. We can learn to be better listeners and be emotionally, not just physically present with our loved ones and just enjoy the moment. As cliché as it sounds time does pass so quickly and I know I have had regrets from when my kids were small. I wished I had put my "To Do" list aside more often and just followed my heart. Live and learn as they say. Maybe breathing room for you is starting something new like taking up a new hobby or joining an exercise class or book club. There are so many possibilities and examining them and how they can bring value to your life is very exciting. When we feel that we are taking good care of ourselves, we are much more effective to others. I just got back from an Aquafit class and have a huge pile of library books calling my name as we speak! Even Jesus took time to get away from the crowd and pray. As much as he loved the people, being around them 24/7 was exhausting, so finding solitude was very therapeutic for him as well. Life is a journey of ups and downs and there are enough activities to keep us very busy all day long if we choose. Please don't be that person. Don’t neglect to pencil in some breathing room into your calendar. You will be so glad you did, and you will ultimately be such a better person for it. Until next time ~ Dana Matthew 11:28 ~ Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Little Lesson Learned: Breathing room along the way makes for a much more fulfilling day. © 2024, 2nd edition, 1st edition, 2016, Breathing Room littlelessonslearnedbydana
Tags: quiet time, rest, vacation, me time, self care
Stacey L Pardoe
7/5/2024 06:33:22 am
This is so important to remember! Thanks, friend!
7/9/2024 01:04:37 pm
You are welcome Stacey. Thank you for all your encouragement
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January 2025