"Working for the Lord doesn't pay much on earth, but the retirement plan is out of this world." Author Unknown Full-time jobs and careers come in all shapes and sizes. There are homemakers, doctors, full-time students, government workers, teachers, wait staff, doctors, nurses, pastors, custodians, and construction workers just to name a few. I could literally be here all day naming careers, and if I did not name yours, please know that I see you. I validate you. I respect so much what you do day after day, after day. It truly takes all kinds of people to make this world go around and we all truly need each other. There are so many careers that I know I would not be good at and simply could. not. do. The point I am trying to make is no matter what we do on the daily, often it can leave any and all of us exhausted, overwhelmed and feeling unappreciated at times. Life can be tough and we can question if we are making any difference at all in our corner of the world. If you never felt this way about your job, congratulations. I am so very happy for you. If you are like me though, and the struggle is real, you are my people. Sometimes we just need to know that we matter and our work is valued. I am a teacher. An interesting thing happened in my classroom these past weeks. For whatever reason, there has been an unusual amount of notes, pictures and gifts coming my way from my sweet students. My display cupboard is getting quite full, barely able to display them all. (What is going on here?) To top it off a little guy walked in this week with a mug for me that said "Teacher of the Year." He was beaming. I told him I will certainly do my best to try to live up to that title and how much his thoughtful gift meant to me. It was very encouraging for me, because so many times unbeknownst to him, as an elementary teacher I feel so inadequate. My tasks are many and I can get easily discouraged. This little parade of loving gestures really brought my spirits up, and meant more than my students could fully understand. You see, the teaching profession has become increasingly difficult over the years. This is my 20th year and so much has changed from when I first started. Kids are coming in with more complicated issues and diverse needs. It has left those of us in education feeling like we are not doing enough, or we just can't keep up. I know the feeling of being overwhelmed at the workplace is NOT unique to education. I am sure many of you can relate. If you are feeling like this, here are some things you need to hear. You matterYou have been uniquely placed where you are in a circle of people that others do not have. Without you, your workplace would be very different and missing something that only you can bring. Even if your work is routine, or mundane, you have the power to put your own unique flair on it. I heard of a toll booth worker who danced his whole shift away as he took peoples' toll fees. He said it feels like a personal dance party every day and kept him in shape too. He explained, "Some might see this toll booth like a coffin, but not me. It is my personal dance floor!" Wow! With an attitude like that he will surely go far. Sometimes appreciation comes laterSometimes you get validation right away, sometimes it takes time and sometimes unfortunately you never get the appreciation you are seeking. Please know that even if you do not hear words of gratitude, it does not mean that you are not making a difference. Sometimes even years later you will get the thanks you deserve. I recall a student of mine when I just started my career, who would tell me how much she hated me every day. I had replaced her beloved teacher who was on maternity leave and she resented me big time. She would tell me I was a terrible teacher and how much she wanted her original teacher back every day. Ouch! Years later I ran into her and did not even recognize her. To make a long story short, she knew me and quickly apologized for how unkind she had been to me and stated that I had been a good teacher and she had always felt bad about how mean she had been to me. I did not expect her apology, or compliments and what she said really meant something to me even after all those years. You can encourage yourselfWhat I have found when times get tough at work and I feel that I am behind and falling short of what I would like to be is to do this little routine. I give myself a pep talk and remind myself that I am doing the best I can, in less than ideal circumstances. I tell myself that I am here in this job, in this season for a reason. God has placed me here and I don't want to let Him down. I reflect on all the good and positives my job brings and focus on the group of people I am with each day knowing for me they are the ones that I can impact the most. For me it is little and big people otherwise known as students and colleagues. I know that God is my full-time teaching partner so I will be just fine in the end. Any work can be God's workYou do not have to be a pastor or on the mission field to do the Lord's work. In fact some of the best work we do for the Lord is in the little unseen tasks and gestures we do at our jobs that go unnoticed. Any job can be a ministry and we can do this work for the Lord to make this world a better place. Moms of littles especially, you are doing some of the most important work out there. Please know that! Be encouraged and know that when our jobs get hard we can find comfort in knowing that God has us there for some reason and with His strength we can make our corner of the world a little brighter as we do our jobs for Him. Until next time, Dana Colossians 3: 22- 23 (NIV) Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Little Lesson Learned: Any job is meaningful and can impact others when we dedicate it to God. Tags: careers, appreciation, discouragement, jobs, working for the LordCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi)
Stacey L Pardoe
10/22/2024 05:48:01 am
This is just beautiful, Dana! Yes! Even the most obscure and humbling work matters. I'm soaking in this today and have walked this out more times than I can count!
10/22/2024 08:23:47 am
Thank you so much. I think it is a good reminder for all of us that all work matters.
10/26/2024 12:09:43 pm
My teaching career spanned 26 years. For ten of those years I team-taught with two other educators. We soon became friends as well as colleagues. One time as we held a team meeting in my classroom, a parent from the previous year's class stopped by to tell us we were the dream team! His son was excelling in the next grade, and he wanted to thank us for the preparation we'd provided. I don't think he had any idea what that simple comment meant to us. Afterwards, whenever we became discouraged one of us was likely to say, "Wait a minute--we're the dream team!" I say all that to affirm: One, God achieves more from our lives than we often realize, and two, a bit of encouragement goes a long way. Kudos to you Dana as you shine the light of Christ in your classroom!
Dana Romualdi
10/26/2024 04:28:57 pm
Nancy, I LOVE this! Thank you for sharing. I am so glad that you received that validation from a parent. It is so encouraging and it goes a long way. So often as teachers we do not get those kudos so soak it all in when it comes.
10/27/2024 04:30:23 am
So well said and a reminder that God has put us where we are for a reason, and that's what keeps me going on the tough days.
10/27/2024 12:41:41 pm
Steve, Thank you for your kind words. I do believe any job is a mission field and ministry for Christ if we view it that way. We have been uniquely positioned to share God's love with a specific group. I am retiring shortly and don't want to forget this.
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January 2025