To say that life can be a rollercoaster at times would be an understatement. Life can take us on incredible highs and exciting twists and turns. Other times, we have to close our eyes, hold on tight, and just weather the storm. Learning to navigate life's challenging ups and downs can be very difficult, but we can approach our struggles with confidence, armed with a toolbox of strategies that will help us stay on top. Let me elaborate on some precious truths and helpful skills I have acquired over the years. By practicing these strategies, you will be modeling what overcomers do. Let me introduce you to The Overcomer Way. Take one day at a timeThere is a reason why it says in Matthew 6:25, "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself." We have TODAY, and today is what we need to focus on. When we spend time worrying about the future, we rob ourselves of the joy of TODAY. We are not living with intention in the present moment but are lost in the perceived issues of the future. This is not the overcomer way. Worry will not add one moment to your life, and much of what we worry about often never transpires. Think about that. We get all worked up for nothing. Tomorrow is not promised, so let's make the most of today and find something in each day to celebrate. Don't sweat the small stuffI love my students dearly, but I have to laugh at what they get all worked up about sometimes. I realize they are only 8 and 9 years old (I teach second and third grade), but come on, people! They still need to know that the world will not end if someone cuts in line, doesn't want to play with them for one recess, or takes the last sucker of the color they wanted. Oh my! Sadly, we can follow their lead as adults sometimes. Someone cuts us off in traffic, empties the coffee pot at work without refilling it, or jams the photocopier. Relax. BREATHE. This too shall pass. To be an overcomer this year, you must keep perspective. Most of this stuff does. not. matter. Don't let these little things throw you into a frenzy. That is not the Overcomer way. Learn to be flexible and go with the flow. You will be so much better for it, plus a much more likable person as well. Keep your sense of humourNever underestimate the power of a great laugh to break the tension and turn the worst situation around. When my son Tyler was a little boy, he would often say, "Let's laugh about it," as he broke out into spontaneous giggles whenever things got too stressful at home. He was truly onto something there. Laughter lightens up the mood and can make the most stressful situations bearable. I am not making light of serious and upsetting issues, but suggesting that certain trials could use a touch of humor to keep us moving forward. Have a growth mindsetPlease know that change takes time. If you are working on issues, problem-solving, or learning new things, understand that things don't happen overnight and that you will get there on your timeline, not someone else's. Be your own cheerleader. Don't compare yourself to others. Tell yourself that you have not succeeded YET, but you will get there. I have made a recommitment to taking better care of my body in all aspects, and one way is through regular exercise. I have been taking fitness classes, and some of them are more challenging than others. I am trying my best, but guess who is last to finish each series of exercises EVERY time? You guessed it, ME! Shocking I know. Guess what though? I honestly don't care. I am only in competition with myself and am just working on doing the best I can each time I go. I have never taken these fitness classes before. Even taking the class and actually finishing all the activities led by the trainer is something I NEVER thought I could do. I am getting better every week and more confident. The trainer even said so! In my books I consider that a HUGE win. Find your peopleThere is something special about finding like-minded individuals who just get it and get you. The main reason they understand you is because they are in the same boat. They are walking through similar circumstances with the same goals, and they are who you need in your corner. In your ups and downs, trials and victories, they will be your people—the ones who will dry your tears and cheer you on. We were not meant to do life alone; we need each other. Find those fine folk and hold them close always. Partner with ChristTrue overcomers need Christ as part of their problem-solving team. I am a big fan of Mandisa and was terribly sad to hear of her recent passing at the young age of 47. I followed her closely on American Idol and loved how she boldly shared her faith and gave God the glory for where she was in her professional life. Her song "Overcomer" is one of my absolute favorites. Mandisa was not a stranger to adversity. She battled depression, thoughts of suicide, and a crippling addiction to food. God rescued her and put her on the path to victory, so when she sang the song "Overcomer," she felt every word because she lived it. In her song she says: Whatever it is you may be going through I know He's not gonna let it get the best of you You're an overcomer Stay in the fight 'til the final round You're not going under 'Cause God is holding you right now You might be down for a moment Feeling like it's hopeless That's when He reminds you That you're an overcomer You're an overcomer Thank you, Mandisa. I couldn't have said it better myself! I trust that you can use these strategies to move from being overwhelmed to living ... THE OVERCOMER WAY! Until next time, Dana Philippians: 4:13 ~ I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. Little Lesson Learned: Life was never meant to be an overwhelming challenge. Know that you can be an OVERCOMER! Tags: life strategies, winning ways, growth mindset, personal growth, life skillsCopyright: © 2025 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi)
1/27/2025 12:04:45 pm
Thank you Maree.
1/27/2025 03:36:46 pm
Love these reminders.
Stacey L Pardoe
1/28/2025 05:46:04 am
This is just what I needed today, Dana! Thank you! May we walk this out!
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January 2025