![]() I fondly remember as a little kid the wonderful joy of Saturday morning cartoons. Armed with a huge bowl of sugary cereal in my lap, my favourite pjs and cozy blanket, I settled in for the pleasure of watching show after show. One of my favourites cartoons was The Justice League. I was fascinated by all the superheroes and all their special powers and abilities. One of my favs other than Wonder Woman of course, were the Wonder Twins. I loved how they always saved the day by joining forces together. On their own, they were not complete but when they teamed up, they were truly a force to be reckoned with. Through the years as a parent when I needed to enlist some help from the kids we would often in fun say “WONDER TWIN POWERS… ACTIVATE" and do the signature fist bump that the cartoon characters would do. My kids were kind of out of the loop with The Justice League and I am sure they didn’t quite get it. Nevertheless, Ty and Shannon would chime in with a hearty "WONDER TWIN POWERS ACTI-BATE" time and time again. (lol) Regardless of their lack of schema for the show, they got that it meant that teamwork matters, and I was reaching out for help. In Ecclesiastes 4: 9-10 ( New Living Translation) it says: Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. My mom said it this way “Many hands make light work.” She would often say this when we were helping with the dishes or housework especially if our attitudes were, let's just say, less than ideal. We got what she was saying, regardless, loud and clear. It is true how much we need each other. We were designed to be part of an authentic community and everybody needs somebody in their corner. Who are your “people?” Your “people” are your tribe, your most cherished humans on the face of this earth. They are the people you could call on day or night. Believe me, it is an elite few. They are the ones that will come alongside you during the best and worst of times. They make the load lighter and they literally walk in when the rest of the world walks out. I am blessed to have many of these people in my life. I have swallowed my pride many times, and reached out to them for help. Some of us don't like to be vulnerable, but remember there are no prizes for independence my friends. Sometimes in our lives we really need others by our side. It is healthy, necessary and part of God’s plan. Knowing when to rally the troops is both wise and commendable. If you haven’t found your “people” yet, don’t despair. They are out there. You must keep looking and don’t be afraid to initiate activities or help from them. Too many people sit back waiting for others. This can just keep you lonely, needy and frustrated. The verse above says it beautifully when it says "two are better than one because they can help each other succeed." Together we work towards the same goals and true friends are so happy to help. The great thing is when they need you, you are there for them too. It is a winning combo for sure. So next time you are struggling with something, remember the mantra “WONDER TWINS… ACTIVATE!” There are people just waiting to fist bump and join forces with you to help you succeed and just in case you are wondering, I am one of them! Dear Heavenly Father, We thank you with our whole hearts for the gift of others who walk through both our sunny days and storms with us. True friends are one of the greatest blessings that we can have on this earth. We know that you have designed us for fellowship and to be genuinely connected to others. Life is hard, but with you by our side and our “people” in our corner, we know we will be able to take life one day at a time. We are so grateful for that reassurance. In Jesus’ name, Amen Sending you a virtual fist bump, Dana
Tags: friendship, best friends, relationships, authentic community, supporting one anotherCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana/ walkingintheword
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