1 Peter 5:7 ~ Surrender all your worries to Him because He cares for you. We planted Grass Heads in my classroom exactly one week ago. I did everything to the letter, and the instructions said expect growth in 5 - 7 days. Each day the kids checked their plants and every day remained the same ~ no change. I tried to appear the poster child for patience, but in my mind truth be told, I was freaking out a little bit. In my mind, I was worrying, thinking the worst. With no green thumb, I was stressed and fearful that these bad boys would NOT GROW AT ALL, never mind in 5 - 7 days. I didn't want to disappoint the students and I didn't want to look like I was completely clueless about growing grass. In hindsight, it seems like a very silly thing to worry about, but sadly, worrying about these little plants took up more of my time, then I care to admit. Well, today is the 7th day and ladies and gentlemen, WE HAVE GROWTH! Who knows? Today is Monday so we might have even had some growth on day 5 or 6, but I guess I will never know, because it was the weekend. Boy did it generate excitement and boy did I breathe a sigh of relief. Ridiculous I know in the grand scheme of things, but a big deal to the sweet little kids and me in Room 21. This little Science experiment really got me thinking about how sometimes we worry about the silliest things and waste so much time and energy fixating on the wrong things. In the big picture, even if these little Grass Heads didn't grow, there would still be something to be learned and life would certainly go on like it always does day after day. Understandably, the Grass Heads is a very small concern and there are so many much more serious concerns. Yet, it is easy to worry about both big and small things to such an extent that we can almost become sick about them. That is not what God wants for us. He wants us to trust Him with EVERYTHING, no matter how big or how small In the Bible it says He even sees the little sparrow fall from the nest. Our God sees it all and cares about it all. If it is a concern to us, it is a concern to Him. Period. I heard a story about an argument between two older ladies. One felt that you should only take the big things to God in prayer, as He is FAR TOO BUSY to be bothered about your little concerns. The other quickly replied "I disagree. I take EVERYTHING to God in prayer, because quite frankly, EVERYTHING to God is a little thing. He is God after all." Drop. The. Mic. Lady number two clearly won that debate, hands down. So my friends, whatever you are faced with, whether it be a small issue or a life changing dilemma, please know that God is there for you. Don't wait and worry, but instead become a strong person of faith who waits and trusts God completely. Tuck that in your heart today ❤️and repeat this prayer below if you would like to ask for Jesus to help you trust Him more. Dear Jesus, Thank you that your word says that we are to surrender our worries to you. Thank you that you are deeply concerned with anything that concerns us. Please help us to realize how very capable you are. You got this! Move us from worry mode to trusting you completely. In Jesus's name, Amen Sending you a virtual hug, Dana
Tags: worry, trust God, big and little concerns, pray about everythingCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi)
Is it just me, or does the world seem to just be getting busier and busier? As the to-do list grows, there seems to just not be enough time or energy to get it all done. Many times, I feel overwhelmed and inadequate when it comes to meeting the daily demands of me. Falling short, time and time again, it is very natural for discouragement to set in at times. With so much to do and so little time, it is very easy to overlook the value of quiet time and the practice of just. being. still. The Bible says in Psalms 46:10, "Be still and know that I am God." Oh, how I need that reminder in our fast-paced society to "be still." Be still and know that I am God means a few things to me. Here's my thoughts. Take a breatherTo be still, we literally have to stop moving. As obvious as that sounds, we cannot quiet our hearts if we do not first quiet ourselves. Newsflash: There is no trophy for getting it all done, and there is no reward for working ourselves to a frenzy. Our jobs and responsibilities are important, but not more important than our peace. It is ok to take a break and be still. It is okay and crucial for our mental health. Do some reading. Take a nap. Listen to a podcast. Linger over a cup of coffee. Take a walk. Read a favourite book. You deserve it. Schedule these times in and treat them like actual appointments. Value these times of stillness. Our lives so easily get out of balance and soul care often gets put on the back burner. Make times of stillness a priority in your life. God has your backOne of the names for God is Prince of Peace. He wants us to have peace in our lives. The Bible tells of the "peace that passes all understanding" that can be ours when we trust that God already has solutions for our problems. (Philippians 4:7) He is very capable of handling any situation that comes our way. He has the whole world to worry about, yet we are his priority. He is never too busy to hear our concerns and help us when we cry out for help. "Know that I am God" speaks to me that this is our reminder to be aware of who we are partnering with. He is the God of the universe and when it comes to our situations, he literally says I. Got. You. He is the same God he always was, and he will help us in our times of trouble. You can take him at his word and count on him for everything. No one else on earth can give us that guarantee. Invite stillness into your life. You will be a better person for it and the world will benefit as well as a better you will emerge. Tuck that in your heart today. Dear Heavenly Father: Help us to realize that life is all about balance. When we are refreshed we are better for everyone. May we be reminded that you are God and you are always working behind the scenes to help us with our needs and situations. Help us to relax in the knowledge that you have us in the palm of your hand. In Jesus' name, Amen. Sending you a virtual hug, Dana
Tags: quiet time, stillness, be still and know, trust in God, me time, self care, God's got youCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana/ walkingintheword
Let’s walk together through Proverbs 3: 5 – 6. In these verses, it says: Trust in the Lord with all your heart; and lean not to your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths. There is a lot to unpack in these two verses, so let’s begin. Trust in the Lord with ALL Your HeartWe need to know that God is the only constant in our lives. Trust can be very difficult at times. People and circumstances let us down regularly. With God, it is so different though. What He says, He will do. His promises are solid and failproof. He is the same yesterday, today and forever and what He did for those in the past, He will do for you. He is the SAME God, and you can 100%, beyond a shadow of a doubt trust Him with ALL your heart, not just some small piece. This could be something very complicated for some of us to grasp depending on our spiritual backgrounds and whether we have had any trust issues in the past or present. I understand that but believe me you can trust God as He always has your best interests at heart. My daughter Shannon has a sweatshirt, that says God’s Got Me, and that message is so very powerful and true. Lean Not to Your Own Understanding Do not try to figure out what God is doing in your individual situation. Just. Trust. Him. God sees the beginning to the end. He does not owe us any type of explanation, and He already has it all figured out. We can truly only see a very small part of the big picture. Many times, we do not get it. We are so heartbroken and frustrated. We want to say “God, what are you doing?” Unfortunately, we must go through the storm to get to the rainbow, though we so wish that was not the case. I remember before I went to teacher’s college, my husband and I were at a crossroads growing our family. We had just had another miscarriage and at this time it was a potentially fatal, ectopic pregnancy. Our hearts were shattered. We decided through prayer and soul searching to permanently close the door on that chapter of our lives and start a new and exciting one that included me going back to school. As I walked on campus for the first time I thought, I could be home with a sweet, little baby right now, but knew that instead God was enlarging my territory to minister and serve many children. Christian teachers are so needed in the public school system and that is not lost on me. It was God’s plan for my life. Many things we may never understand and only when we get to Heaven may we get our answers. In All Your Ways Acknowledge Him I challenge you to let God into every aspect of your life. Invite Him into your decision making, relationships, career, and finances. Let him be the Lord of your life in all aspects. He is the God of the universe, our firm foundation, and He desires to help us in all our life areas, no matter how big and small. He Will Direct Your Paths God knows which way your life will go. Often it is not a straight path, but instead a rollercoaster or winding road. We will ultimately get to the destination He chose for us, but often we would NEVER have chosen that route. It often takes so much heartache to get to your heart’s desires. At the end though, we can look back and see that God was truly ordering our steps even if it seemed completely confusing at the time. The Bible confirms that God orders our steps in Psalms 37:23. He doesn’t always shine the path with a flashlight, but rest assured He will be holding our hand in the hard times, always. Tuck that in your heart today. Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father please help us to know that we can trust you completely. We are your children, and the Bible says that you hold us in the palm of your hand. When we don't understand reassure us that you are always there and help us to understand that there is always a purpose for what we go through. In Jesus Name, Amen Sending you a virtual hug, Dana
Tags: Can I trust God? What does trust in the Lord with all your heart mean? Proverbs 3: 5-6, Where is God in the hard times? What does lean on your own understanding mean? faith, trusting in God, What does it mean that God orders our steps?Copyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana/ walkingintheword (Dana Romualdi)