Ephesians 1: 3-4 ~ God blesses people with every spiritual blessing in Christ. I passed out gratitude journals in Room 21 last week. The students were delighted to receive them and eager to write 3 things down that they were thankful for. I encouraged them to understand that a happy, new year begins with a thankful heart first and foremost. I also reminded them that scientists have actually confirmed that gratitude and anxiety cannot coexist. It is a proven fact that when people choose to focus on gratitude rather than their problems, it is much more productive for them in so many ways. Having a thankful heart literally changes the way we perceive everything. We wrote in our gratitude journals today and the first thing on my list was HEAT. Oh yes! We have cold winters here in Canada and I am so thankful that we can enjoy the pleasure of a cozy and warm home and workplace. Some are not so lucky. I often think of homeless people at this time of year and feel so thankful for the comforts that I enjoy, yet often sadly take for granted. I know I am blessed so much more than I deserve, yet it is still so easy to complain. Why do I do that? I get so disappointed in myself sometimes. It is sad that often what myself and others complain about, some could only dream of. An example could be we could say "I don't like that dinner." Others have no food. Another example could be we say "The Wi-fi is down again!" Others have no electricity, let alone computer access. You get the idea. It is quite humbling when we get a healthy dose of perspective and realize complaining is not the answer, or helpful. The Lord blesses us for many reasons but one of the reasons is so we in turn can be a blessing to others. We are blessed to be a blessing as they say! I love the song Counting My Blessings by Seph Schlueter. I encourage you to check it out by clicking the above link. The lyrics are so powerful and the chorus says Lord, I'm still counting my blessings, For all that You've done in my life, The more that I look in the details, The more of your goodness I find, Father on this side of Heaven, I know that I'll run out of time, But I will keep counting my blessings, Knowing I can't count that high We truly cannot count them all when it comes to our blessings that is for sure. If you don't have a gratitude journal, I strongly encourage you to start this new habit this year. It doesn't have to be fancy, any little notebook will work just fine. Not only will you have a record of all you are thankful for, but incorporating gratitude into your day each day, will also lay a great foundation for a happy and healthy 2025. Tuck that in your heart today. ❤️ Dear Jesus, Thank you for all that you have given us. We are blessed beyond measure and we need to be always mindful of that. May we take what you have given us and be a blessing to all those around us. On the chance that we are tempted to complain about the ups and downs of life, remind us to be thankful instead. In Jesus' name, Amen Sending you a virtual hug and so grateful for YOU! Dana
Tags: thankful heart, gratitude, thankfulness, gratitude journal, blessings, blessed to be a blessing, blessed beyond measure, counting my blessingsCopyright: © 2025 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi)
I remember in Sunday School a song we used to always sing called His Banner Over Me Is Love. It has a clear message that God loves us unconditionally and it is like if He could wave a banner over our heads 24/7 He absolutely would. The banner would broadcast His pure, never ending love for us for all to see. He is that crazy about you and me. You see, God's love is a form of love that you cannot experience anywhere else. It is pure and called agape love. Through a quick internet search, agape love is explained this way. It is a Greek word that represents the highest form of selfless, unconditional love there is. It is not dependent on what a person is or does, but simply a love that loves someone exactly the way he or she is, period. Agape love is an unfamiliar concept it seems these days. Instead many people feel they must earn love, and feel often fearful of falling from grace and losing love from the ones they care about most. Many people I have interacted with have a hard time believing that God could love them at all, let alone unconditionally. I have chatted with people that have felt that they have sinned too much, have made too many mistakes or poor choices, or fallen so far off the beaten path that there was no hope for them. They are "too far gone" in their eyes. If you are one of those people I cannot stress enough how absolutely wrong that thinking is. Jesus is here for all of us. He cares about all of us, not an elite few. There are only two types of people as my beloved Grandpa Sudds would say: sinners and sinners saved by grace. We are ALL deserving of his agape love, no matter who we are or what we have done. Are you a Christ follower my friend? Do you even realize how much Jesus longs to have a relationship with YOU? He could have made us all little robots, who automatically served Him but instead He gave us freewill. He wants us to come to Him freely, unreservedly and accept this new life and love that only He offers. Won't you accept Him as the Lord of your life today and experience a life and love like you have never known? He is waiting for you with open arms. Please don't wait any longer. Tuck that in your heart today ❤️and repeat this prayer below if you would like to become a follower of Jesus. Dear Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that you are God and are able to forgive me of my sins. I ask you to forgive me of my sins and become my personal saviour. Come into my heart and change me into the person I am meant to be. Help me to live for you from this day forward. Thank you for coming into my life and thank you for loving me as I am. In Jesus's name, Amen Sending you a virtual hug, Dana
Tags: salvation, accept Jesus into your heart, agape love, God's love, unconditional love, love of JesusCopyright: © 2025 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi) Scripture is such an incredible gift. God's word is still so relevant today, and what He did back then in all those incredible Bible stories, He can still and does do for us today! As a little girl I must confess though, I was not a huge fan of memorizing scripture, especially the reference, which is where it was found in the Bible such as: John 1:10. I didn't truly see the value of any of it at the time. I knew that the Bible was important but having to memorize it in my naive opinion seemed kind of unnecessary. I learned many verses by heart as a young girl and also became very familiar with the books of the Bible doing numerous "sword drills" in our kid's program called Crusaders. For anyone who is not aware of what a sword drill is, it is when you hold your Bible in the air, someone calls out a scripture reference and you race to find it, against others. This at the time seemed like a very fun game, but now I appreciate the bigger picture of this very worthwhile activity. I remember asking my Mom what the point was of memorizing all these random verses. Her reply was so memorable. She said "So you can write these verses on your heart, and they will be there when you need them." That did make sense, but it all came to full fruition for me as an adult. Time and time again depending on the trial I was facing, the appropriate verse would magically "pop" into my head, just as Mom had promised. You see, it had been written on my heart years ago, and when I needed it most there it was. Let me give you some examples. These are just a few verses that have come to me in various circumstances. ~ In times of fear and loss: Psalms 23 ~ In need of healing: Exodus 15:26 ~ For I am the Lord who heals you. ~ When having any need, big or small: Philipians 4:19 ~ My God shall supply all my needs. ~ When feeling lonely: Proverbs 18:24 ~ There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother, and His name is Jesus. ~ When under spiritual attack or facing adversity: Isaiah 54:17 - No weapon formed against me shall prosper. I could go on and on and I am literally getting goosebumps just typing this. God's word is so relevant, powerful and empowering when we quote it and pray it back over ourselves and our loved ones. If memorizing scripture is a new concept to you, I encourage you to start now. It is never too late and not just something that children do. Start small. Write a favourite scripture on a recipe card or sticky note and commit it to memory and then chose the next one. It is fun and one or the best tools against the enemy as he HATES scripture and the name of Jesus and will flee from us when we quote God's word. (James 4:7) Here's one to get you started. Matthew 6:33 ~ But seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and ALL of these things shall be added unto you! I can't think of a better verse to take into 2025 than that as it states if we put God first, everything else will fall into place. Tuck that in your heart today ❤️. Dear Jesus, I thank you for your Word. It is a gift to us to cherish and we are so blessed to have your words to guide and direct our paths. May we write your word on our hearts so it is there in our times of trial when we need it most. In Jesus's name, Amen Sending you a virtual hug, Dana
Tags: scripture, Bible, God's word, memorize scripture, memory versesCopyright: © 2025 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi) 1 Peter 5:7 ~ Surrender all your worries to Him because He cares for you. We planted Grass Heads in my classroom exactly one week ago. I did everything to the letter, and the instructions said expect growth in 5 - 7 days. Each day the kids checked their plants and every day remained the same ~ no change. I tried to appear the poster child for patience, but in my mind truth be told, I was freaking out a little bit. In my mind, I was worrying, thinking the worst. With no green thumb, I was stressed and fearful that these bad boys would NOT GROW AT ALL, never mind in 5 - 7 days. I didn't want to disappoint the students and I didn't want to look like I was completely clueless about growing grass. In hindsight, it seems like a very silly thing to worry about, but sadly, worrying about these little plants took up more of my time, then I care to admit. Well, today is the 7th day and ladies and gentlemen, WE HAVE GROWTH! Who knows? Today is Monday so we might have even had some growth on day 5 or 6, but I guess I will never know, because it was the weekend. Boy did it generate excitement and boy did I breathe a sigh of relief. Ridiculous I know in the grand scheme of things, but a big deal to the sweet little kids and me in Room 21. This little Science experiment really got me thinking about how sometimes we worry about the silliest things and waste so much time and energy fixating on the wrong things. In the big picture, even if these little Grass Heads didn't grow, there would still be something to be learned and life would certainly go on like it always does day after day. Understandably, the Grass Heads is a very small concern and there are so many much more serious concerns. Yet, it is easy to worry about both big and small things to such an extent that we can almost become sick about them. That is not what God wants for us. He wants us to trust Him with EVERYTHING, no matter how big or how small In the Bible it says He even sees the little sparrow fall from the nest. Our God sees it all and cares about it all. If it is a concern to us, it is a concern to Him. Period. I heard a story about an argument between two older ladies. One felt that you should only take the big things to God in prayer, as He is FAR TOO BUSY to be bothered about your little concerns. The other quickly replied "I disagree. I take EVERYTHING to God in prayer, because quite frankly, EVERYTHING to God is a little thing. He is God after all." Drop. The. Mic. Lady number two clearly won that debate, hands down. So my friends, whatever you are faced with, whether it be a small issue or a life changing dilemma, please know that God is there for you. Don't wait and worry, but instead become a strong person of faith who waits and trusts God completely. Tuck that in your heart today ❤️and repeat this prayer below if you would like to ask for Jesus to help you trust Him more. Dear Jesus, Thank you that your word says that we are to surrender our worries to you. Thank you that you are deeply concerned with anything that concerns us. Please help us to realize how very capable you are. You got this! Move us from worry mode to trusting you completely. In Jesus's name, Amen Sending you a virtual hug, Dana
Tags: worry, trust God, big and little concerns, pray about everythingCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi) James 1:5 ~ "But if any one of you lacks wisdom, he (or she) should ask God who gives to all, generously and ungrudgingly, and he (or she) will be given it." Decisions, decisions, decisions. How many of us ever get tired of making them? My hand would be the first to be raised, believe me. I am told that supposedly teachers make 1500 decisions in a day which ends up being four decisions per minute. What??? Perhaps that explains why I go into full on pajama-mode, completely exhausted after work, and have a hard time figuring out what to make for dinner! Wow! Recently, I read that there is legitimately something called "decision fatigue." When I read that I thought ~ Wait, that's actually a thing? Through a quick internet search decision fatigue is described as: simply being tired of making decisions. Really??? I can relate. The concept is that the more decisions a person has to make, the more weary he or she feels with that entire process. For this reason, people in this category tend to delay or put off decisions. The problem is you can only put off decisions, especially the important ones for so long. (https://onlinemba.wsu.edu/blog/decision-fatigue) I had a little guy I taught one year that took great pride when completing assignments, to come and ask me consistently "What me do next?" It was hard not to giggle with his cookie monster-like lingo, but I sure had to give him credit for his initiative. I have felt like my student many times in my life especially when it comes to making big and important decisions. I am left thinking... What is my next move? What do I do next? What me do next? (LOL) I have found that taking some time to reflect is a very healthy process, but I also have to remind myself that eventually a decision has to be made. Recently I have been attending something called Prayer School at my church. I have learned so much more about prayer and new ways to communicate with our Heavenly Father. One thing that really resonated with me was when wisdom was discussed. In the verse quoted above, it clearly indicates that when wisdom is needed, if someone asks God for it, it is a GUARANTEE. Not everything we request in prayer are we guaranteed to receive, but with wisdom we are. Isn't that a powerful truth to comprehend? I sure thought it was. If you are presently struggling with decision making, I implore you to invite God into the process. There is only so much we as human beings can figure out on our own. Some decisions have a lot riding on them and can literally affect the entire course of our futures. Requesting help to get these decisions "right" is not only wise but very necessary. Taking some time, taking it to the Father, and talking to people you trust about big decisions will set you on the path to wise decision making. The great thing about having God on your decision making team, also provides you with an added bonus of peace in the end. It doesn't get much better than that my friend. Tuck that in your heart today ❤️and repeat this prayer below if you would like to ask for wisdom from Jesus in both your big and little decisions. Dear Jesus, Thank you that your word says that if I need wisdom, you are more than willing to freely give it to me. Thank you that you are concerned with the big and little aspects of my life and the decisions around them. Please grant me your wisdom to make the best, healthiest and most appropriate decisions for both myself and my family. May these decisions honour You and serve to advance your kingdom. In Jesus's name, Amen Sending you a virtual hug, Dana P.S. Do your best and let God do the rest!
Tags: decision making, decisions, decision fatigue, wisdom, prayer, Godly wisdomCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi)
“Good friends are like stars. You don’t always see them, but you know they’re always there." (Old saying) Charlie Brown has Snoopy. Scooby Doo has Shaggy. Woody has Buzz Lightyear and the good old Fonz has Ritchie Cunningham. Okay by the latter example I am really dating myself, but my point is: where would we all be without true friends? True friends are what keep us going through the hard times, keep us laughing in the good times and keep us from losing our sanity during the craziness that is our lives some days. If you have those types of people just described in your circle of influence, then consider yourself very blessed. BFFs are what we call best friends nowadays. I hear a lot about this in my classroom. I remember when I didn’t even know what that acronym meant, but now it is very commonly heard. I have a very sweet student who calls me "Miss Naldi." My last name is Romualdi, so it is close, but not quite. I had to smile the one day when she said "I am not calling you Miss Naldi anymore." I inquired about what she planned to call me going forward thinking she finally got my name correct. She replied "I am going to call you bestie." So cute! It is easy to see who is friends with who in a small classroom. It is also easy to see who may be feeling left out or lonely. It is quite painful to witness at times. I try to be very aware of this and set up scenarios where I select the partners, pick teams and provide a setting of inclusion. I remember when I went to school this did not always happen. We were asked to pick a partner, or pick teams and the same kids were often left out or picked last. You could see how painful it was for them. I am so glad we are making positive steps to move away from those types of practices today. I love the James Taylor song “You’ve Got A Friend.” My good friend Rosie and I sang it together in high school. It was one of my proudest moments and fondest memories of high school. If I do say so myself we had a great duet going on with some lovely harmonies. The words say “You just call out my name and you know wherever I am, I’ll come running to see you again! Winter, spring, summer or fall, all you have to do is call and I’ll be there! You’ve got a friend!” Those lyrics speak to the power of those true friends who will drop everything to come and help us. Those types of people are very precious and valued. I hope you are blessed to have some of those gems in your life. I am very fortunate to have several in that special category. Good friends come in all shapes, sizes and age categories. Some of my closest friends through the years have been very different from me, yet despite our differences we formed amazing bonds and still found we had very much in common. We developed a kindred spirit that still continues to this day. Be open minded when it comes to new friendships. You never know who might just walk into your life and become one of your closest and dearest friends. Friends are truly one of life’s greatest treasures. Let your “besties” know what they mean to you today. Believe me they will appreciate it and you will feel great that you let them know how you feel about them. In Proverbs 18:24, the Bible talks of Jesus who is the “friend that sticks closer than a brother.” Personally I have found that to be so true in my walk with Christ. Sometimes people can disappoint us because they are only human, yet Jesus will always be at our side if we are open to His leadings. Tuck that in your heart today ❤️and repeat this prayer below if you would like to become a follower of Jesus and know the feeling of having a friendship like you have never known. Dear Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that you are God and are able to forgive me of my sins. I ask you to forgive me of my sins and become my personal saviour. Come into my heart and change me into the person I am meant to be. Help me to live for you from this day forward. Thank you for coming into my life. In Jesus's name, Amen Sending you a virtual hug, Dana
Tags: friendship, relationship with God, true friendsCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi) 2nd edition, © 2014, 1st edition ( You've Got a Friend)
2022 was a very hard year for my family. Not only did my family lose my mom but a couple months after that we found out my father-in-law had advanced brain and lung cancer. He tried treatment and fought valiantly but the cancer was very aggressive. We were very blessed to get a bed for him in hospice, where he received excellent care just ahead of the Christmas season. Every day, I would go into work, work a full day and then go see him every night. As I was fearful each and every day was the day he would pass, I dared not to miss a day for one more goodbye or hug. Dealing with impending loss of this magnitude day after really takes its toll. I remember one particular day, I just couldn't take it any more. I was at work and realized that I needed to leave as soon as possible. I just couldn't be there. I was at the end of myself, emotionally, mentally and physically and I needed to be anywhere but at school. I called in a supply teacher and as I was leaving the building, I realized I did not have a car that day. What was I to do? The answer was simple. Call my dad. Dad answered with his faithful "Hi Babe, What's up?" I was a mess and told Dad he needed to "come get me immediately and take me home. I had had it." Dad replied as he ALWAYS does "Be RIGHT there." Dad was very concerned and decided to take me to his house. He followed my lead and felt that what I needed more was rest than to chat. You see that is what a good father does. He never lets his kids down. He knows what they need. Dad had a brand new comfy recliner chair and he suggested that would be a perfect spot for me to find respite. He tucked me in with warm blankets and told me to simply rest as long as I needed and enjoy the peace and quiet. I cried and thanked him for everything as he was so intuitive and empathetic. I felt so loved. He knew exactly what I needed at that moment. It is a very special memory for me of what a loving dad does when his kid is hurting. In Proverbs 18:10 is says The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The righteous run into it and they are safe. (MEV) Just like the way my dad came to my rescue, our Heavenly Father is ready and waiting to come to us when we need Him. We just have to take that first step like I did with my earthly father. I reached out to him and asked for his help. Our God is never too busy to lend a hand, hear us out, provide us with a safe space to unwind or a soft place to land and just feel protected by his incredible love. Jesus is a friend that I would truly be lost without. He has rescued me time and time again. I find solace in His presence, rest when I am weary and unconditional love whenever I need it. It is a very sweet arrangement that He has offered to me and all of us who are Christ followers. When we come to the end of ourselves, His Holy Spirit gently encourages us and gives us the strength we need to carry on and face another day. Perhaps you are at the end of yourself today. Life has hit you hard. I know how that feels. It is a scary and lonely place to be. You can't breathe and you need an escape. Please know that you have a Heavenly Father who is waiting in the wings for you. He is concerned about you and loves you so, so much. Won't you run to Him? He will welcome you with open arms and He is ready to make your life so much better than you ever thought possible. Tuck that in your heart today ❤️and repeat this prayer below if you would like to become a follower of Jesus and know the feeling of resting in His presence when life just becomes too much. Dear Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that you are God and are able to forgive me of my sins. I ask you to forgive me of my sins and become my personal saviour. Come into my heart and change me into the person I am meant to be. Help me to live for you from this day forward. Thank you for coming into my life. In Jesus's name, Amen Sending you a virtual hug, Dana
Tags: Father's love, fathers, dads, parenting, God's forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness of sins, salvation in Christ, sinner's prayerCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi) I remember as a child being completely fascinated with my mom's make up even though she wore very little. Her daily makeup routine consisted of Oil of Olay facial moisturizer (I recall the smell, so well!) under eye concealer and blush. It was the under eye concealer however that really piqued my interest. The reason why I was so intrigued by this product is because it rolled up like a lipstick. I used to love to sneak it out of the cabinet and pretend I was putting on lipstick in the mirror, like some famous movie star. Well all was well until one dreadful day, when I rolled up my imaginary lipstick (concealer) and to my horror it cracked. right. off. This was not part of my routine! I was completely mortified and unsure of what to do next. I was so afraid to tell Mom that I had not only been into her makeup but damaged something. The only thing to do in my mind was to pay her for the broken concealer, yet I had very little money at that age. Desperate, I went to my piggy bank and rounded up all the change I could find and left it with a handwritten apology note (which my mom kept for years). I was so nervous about what Mom would say or do when she found the note. Mom, true to form, came and quickly found me. At the sight of Mom I started crying like I lost my best friend. She lovingly scooped me up and dried my tears. She then smiled, returned my loose change and said with a twinkle in her eye ~ she "accepted my apology, and accidents happen." The most profound thing she said when I argued through my sobs with her that I should pay for the concealer, was when she said "Don't be silly. I cancel that debt." On so many occasions, my amazing parents modeled for me what our loving Heavenly Father does for us time and time again. We sin. God forgives us. No questions asked and He cancels our debt every time even when we feel so undeserving. He cancels our debt even when we argue with Him that we need to pay Him back somehow. It is not necessary because when He died on the cross He paid in full for our sins. Not only that but in Micah 7:19 it says He also forgets our sins. Forgives and forgets? It doesn't get any better than that my friends! I remember a little song in church we used to sing that says: He paid a debt He did not owe, I owed a debt I could not pay I needed SOMEONE to wash my sins away And now I sing a brand new song, Amazing Grace, Christ Jesus paid the debt that I could never pay It is so true that the wonder of the cross is that it literally crosses out ALL our sin. If you do not know this type of forgiveness it is available for you TODAY. My Grampa Sudds used to say "There are only two types of people in this world, Dana. Sinners and sinners saved by grace." So true! Please know that means that forgiveness from your sins by Jesus is for YOU. Don't give it a second thought and remember... Don't be silly. That debt is canceled as it was PAID IN FULL! Tuck that in your heart today ❤️and repeat this prayer below if you would like to become a follower of Jesus and have ALL your debt paid in full. Dear Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that you are God and are able to forgive me of my sins. I ask you to forgive me of my sins and become my personal saviour. Come into my heart and change me into the person I am meant to be. Help me to live for you from this day forward. Amen Sending you a virtual hug, Dana
Tags: God's forgiveness, forgiveness, forgiveness of sins, salvation in Christ, sinner's prayerCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi)
There are days when you feel tired and then there are days when you feel tired right down to your soul. Can you relate? The cares and demands of life can really bog us down some days and rising to the challenge of our daily agenda may seem next to impossible at times. I have been there many days. I read a quote that said "Giving your best can look different each day." I love this because no one can bring their "A game" EVERY day and some days the fact that we even showed up should be considered a success. It is so easy to beat ourselves up for an "off" day, or a day that we are not quite ourselves but those days are normal. We are only human after all. Give yourself grace and know that even the most productive people have off days too. The good news is as Christians we serve a Saviour who specializes in giving strength to the weak. In Matthew 11:28 it says: "Come to me all who are weak and heavy laden and I will give you rest." I cannot tell you how many times I have sent out an SOS prayer to Jesus saying "Cover me. I'm going in and I am so tired. I can't do this alone. I need to operate in your strength today dear God." He empowers me each time I pray and I feel so reassured knowing that my God and I are "doing life" together. No one was made to "do life" alone. We need each other, but mostly we need a Saviour. He comes through for me every time and we face the day together. I cannot tell you what a difference that has made in my life. He wants to do the same for you. He wants to take you from a position of powerlessness to empowered through Him. Will you invite Him to do this in your life? Tuck that in your heart today ❤️and repeat this prayer below if you would like to become a follower of Jesus. Dear Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that you are God and are able to forgive me of my sins. I ask you to forgive me of my sins and become my personal saviour. Come into my heart and change me into the person I am meant to be. Help me to live for you from this day forward. Amen Sending you a virtual hug, Dana
Tags: God's strength, God's help, Jesus as SaviourCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi) Being genuinely loved by someone is a beautiful thing. I am not speaking of romantic love at the moment, but rather the love we receive from our children, family members, chosen family and true besties. There is something about knowing that the others that we greatly admire feel mutually that we are very special too. It is so heartwarming and fills our cups to overflowing. My students are extremely special to me and I cherish the little love notes and gifts of the heart they give me year after year. They are so sincere and I feel blessed to work with them each day. We can show our love to others in such a variety of ways. One of my favourites that my mom would do is lovingly known as "the 3 squeezes." It involves giving someone you adore 3 slow, hand squeezes signifying I - love- you. She would share this loving gesture with everyone. She even shared it with my students when she would come and visit them every Friday. We carry on that sweet gesture and it has come to be of very special significance to my entire extended family. In John 4:7 it says: Let us love one another for love comes from God. True love comes from God and He is truly the best example of what it means to love others wholeheartedly. There is nothing you could do that would make Him love you any more or any less. I recall a conversation that I had with a friend years ago. She had a desire to seek a relationship with Christ but felt so unworthy as we all do so often. She said "I have a lot of cleaning up to do in my personal life before God would ever consider me acceptable. When and if I am able to do that, THEN I will see if God might consider befriending me." I tried to convince her that God will take her exactly as she is and help her transform by her seeking forgiveness and accepting Him as her Saviour, but she was not having it. I often think of her and hope she did eventually find her way. I remember seeing a social media post that read "I asked Jesus how much He loved me and He stretched out His arms on the cross and said this much." That is some type of love that He would give His life to help us and give us freedom. If you are seeking a relationship with Jesus, please don't wait another minute. He is ready and waiting to welcome you with open arms. He really does love you THIS MUCH! Tuck that in your heart today ❤️and repeat this prayer below if you would like to become a follower of Jesus. Dear Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner. I believe that you are God and are able to forgive me of my sins. I ask you to forgive me of my sins and become my personal saviour. Come into my heart and change me into the person I am meant to be. Help me to live for you from this day forward. Amen Sending you a virtual hug, Dana
Tags: love for others, love, God's love, Christ as Saviour, JesusCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi) |