The goal is to wake up each morning feeling overwhelmingly thankful for the kind of life you have created for yourself. ~ Unknown I heard a story recently about a gentleman who saved his money to buy a ticket going to a new country. It was to be a very exciting journey for him. As money was an issue though, he only brought crackers and cheese with him to consume for all his meals. Day after day, he passed by the beautiful dining room enthralled by all the people enjoying their wonderful meals. He was drawn in by the delicious scents of delectable dishes he smelled. Sadly, as he could not partake, it was very difficult for him feeling very left out day after day. When the boat docked, an employee of the dining room inquired why he had not come any days to eat the food? The server mentioned they had a place with his name on it each day, and everyone was wondering if there had been something about the food that was not to his liking. The gentleman quickly explained with a bit of embarrasssment that he had not purchased a ticket that included food. The server stated to the gentleman's GREAT surprise: "Sir, the ticket you bought included everything. All food was included." Wow! That story really resonated with me. I thought of how we all can be like that poor man with the crackers and cheese some days. There is so much available to us in life, yet we feel somehow unworthy, or we do not pursue action steps to work towards our best lives. We choose to settle, when we were meant to soar. You my friend are worthy of more in all aspects of life and here are some tips to get you there. Know your worthYou are absolutely INCREDIBLE! Do you even know how amazing you are? In this whole wide world of ours, there is NO ONE exactly like you! You are an original masterpiece created by God for a specific purpose. Noone has your exact circle of influence, or unique skill set and the world needs you. Shine your light my friend, the world is blessed to have you in it. Realize you are NEVER too old to changeWhen you look at how your life is going, and you notice areas needing improvement, know that you are never too old to change. There is no room for thinking like, "I am who am I, or that is just the way things will always be for me." I will have to call you out on that, because you are worthy of more. I am in my fifties and have had several health issues come my way recently. Thankfully they are manageable but these new diagnoses have lit a fire under me. As a result I am going to the gym faithfully, eating healthier, taking good supplements and medication and I am determined to turn my physical health around. I met with a trainer as well to get a strength training program going this summer. It was exciting, but I was also nervous. He was so encouraging and commended me for taking charge of my health. It felt very empowering. He also pointed out a vibrant and incredibly fit 92 year old who was working out right beside me. What an inspiration she was! I thought, If she can do it, I sure can! Always strive to be your best selfWhat brings you joy? What inspires you? What fills your cup? Go after those things. Go after them with gusto. Schedule them into your daytimer with enthusiasm and look at them as appointments for YOU that cannot be missed. You cannot pour from an empty cup and when you are feeling full, inspired and built up in your spirit, your corner of the world benefits so much. Understand that a wonderful life is God's plan for youIn John 10:10 it says: I have come that they may have life and have it to the full! God wants to be your friend and have a relationship with you. He has BIG plans for you and He desires for you to have a full and happy life. He literally has a buffet of blessings waiting for you. It is true. No table scraps on the menu for you my friends. If you are interested in having a relationship with God or would like to continue the conversation, please feel free to reach out. I would love to chat further with you. Well friends, I hope this gave you something to think about. Don't settle for a mediocre life. There is so much more for you than crackers and cheese in all aspects of your life and I so want you to realize that. Until next time, Dana John 10:10 ~ I have come that they may have life and have it to the full! Little Lesson Learned: Changing our lives takes courage and time, but you can do it. You deserve the best life ever!
Tags: made for more, goal setting, live your best life, God's will
"Excellence is the gradual result of always trying to do better." ~ Pat Riley The Summer Olympics will be starting soon and I for one will be watching with great excitement. I just watched the new Netflix documentary about Simone Biles entitled Rising. I highly recommend it. I am so proud of the progress she has made in her mental health journey. She has stepped back from the spotlight to focus on her healing and I can’t wait to see her in action at this year’s Olympics. I feel she is in such a better place in all aspects and it is wonderful to see her have another chance at Olympic gold, since having to step aside at the Tokyo Olympics. It is especially memorable to see the athletes achieve gold. I can only imagine how that must feel after years and years of training, to stand on the podium, see your flag raised and hear your national anthem played in your honour. Wow! I get goosebumps just thinking about it! It is the moment these athletes have dreamed of and to see it become a reality must be so satisfying and yet completely overwhelming all at once. That type of success does not come easily. It requires day after day, month after month, and year after year being faithful in tasks that at times may seem insignificant. Putting consistent effort forth each and every day however, has tremendous potential to compound itself into a powerful, positive force to be reckoned with. In the book The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, he talks about the truth that there is no real secret to being successful. He shares that success just naturally comes when people repeat positive and productive habits over and over. It makes complete sense. If you want to lose weight, you must eat healthy and exercise consistently. Having one good day and expecting the scale to move is ridiculous. Being consistent is the key. It sounds simple, yet life sometimes gets in the way even with our best intentions. So how can we go for the gold in our everyday lives and see profound, lasting change? Here are 5 tips to help you get to the top of your podium. Determine your "why"Your why is the core motivation and/or people behind your reasons for wanting to better your life. You need to clearly define why you want to make changes and who it will affect the most. When times get tough, a strong why will keep you going. A friend of mine was building a home business and her goal was to eventually quit her corporate job. She would get up early and stay up late working her other job in between. She was exhausted, but laser focused on her goals. Her why kept her going. She wanted to be more present in her kids' lives. She wanted to be at the bus stop every day for her kids when they became school age and staying focused on that kept her going even through the hardest times. She did eventually quit her corporate job and her home business is absolutely thriving due to her having a clearly defined why that kept her motivated. Envison your end goalIf your goal is to be 40 lbs thinner, envision yourself as such and imagine what that type of healthier life will provide you. If you wish to be more financially fit and are working towards that, picture yourself debt free and what that will look like for you and your family. If you are wishing to become pregnant, decorate the nursery and imagine rocking that precious baby in your loving arms. Create a dream board of all that you aspire to achieve. Put it out there and speak positively about what you hope to achieve. Visualization is a very power tool. Keep picturing the life you will have when you attain your goal, envision it and dream it into reality. Speak and think positivelyPhrase what you want to become as if you have already achieved it such as: "I am a healthy, fit calm and relaxed mom" or "I am a highly successful business woman with a large team under me." Speak in absolutes like "WHEN this happens not IF this happens. This shows belief in yourself and your abilities. Don't let negative thoughts or self doubt creep in. Be your best cheerleader, not your worst critic. By speaking positively and putting it "out there "with confidence, it is your way of being accountable and saying, "Mark my words everyone, I am making this happen in my life." Surround yourself with positive peopleThey say you become like the five people you hang around with the most. Choose those five people very carefully. Make sure they are upstanding people of substance who keep you moving towards your goals, not against them. Gravitate towards people who edify you and fill your cup so you feel doubly inspired to pursue your dreams when you are with them. Get a success partnerFind someone who is on a similar journey as you, with the same goals and partner up with them. Maybe you both want to start a home business or lose weight or save money. Work on it together and check in with each other often to see how each other is progressing. Share honestly how things are going even if you are struggling. These people will help you stay accountable too as you each day get a little closer to your goals. Remember that God is the greatest success partner and he wants to see you become all you can be. Call on him for strength, patience, and wisdom. Striving for a better life is a continuous process. We should all be striving to better ourselves in many areas as no one is ever too old to learn new things and all of us are truly works in progress. Life can get pretty comfortable, but nothing ever grows in a comfort zone. We need to want better things for our lives. I know I want better for my life each and every day. Don't lose heart. I believe in you. Keep being faithful. If you do, you will see results. It is the compound effect in action. Envision it with me. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes and see it. I see your flag being raised and I can hear the national anthem being played in your honour. Can't you see it and hear it too? Until next time ~ Dana Proverbs 16:3 ~ Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established. Little Lesson Learned: Gold medal lifestyles are created by being faithful in the small, positive things each and every day. Copyright: © 2024, littlelessonslearnedbydana 2nd edition, first edition, 2016 Go For the Gold For more information on the book referenced in this blog please see: Hardy, D. (2011). The compound effect. Vanguard Press.
“Don’t let the tall weeds cast a shadow on the beautiful flowers in your garden.” - Steve Maraboli, Life, The Truth, and Being Free The other day I went out to take on one of my most dreaded summer tasks: weeding. This is an activity I have always disliked as it is dirty, time consuming and very hard on my back. Do you feel sorry for me yet? Looking at the size of the overgrown weeds, I could not help but scold myself for not getting out there sooner. It is truly incredible how fast and resilient those nasty bad boys are. I honestly had weeded not long ago. Yet much to my dismay there was still this vast green forest of unwanted foliage staring at me, taunting me, up in my face needing my immediate attention. As I was feeling very sorry for myself, I started to think of life applications around weeds and weeding, and realized as much as I would like to think otherwise, we can actually learn a lot from these pesky plants. In our lives we need to do "weeding" on a regular basis. Taking a moral inventory of what should and should not be in our lives is extremely critical to our personal growth. When we get proactive and responsibly address these “weeds” we are putting ourselves in a much better position to become all that God has created us to be. Here are some “Weeds of Wisdom” to consider. "Weed of Wisdom #1" |
AuthorDana Romualdi is a Canadian elementary teacher, blogger, author, and speaker. She has a passion for helping others and spreading much-needed encouragement. She lives in Canada with her husband and two grown children. When she is not working in the classroom or blogging, she enjoys drinking coffee, watching Netflix and reading great books. |
Tags: elementary teaching, denial, honesty, making changes, setting goals |
AuthorDana Romualdi is a Canadian elementary teacher, blogger, author, and speaker. She has a passion for helping others and spreading much-needed encouragement. She lives in Canada with her husband and two grown children. When she is not working in the classroom or blogging, she enjoys drinking coffee, watching Netflix and reading great books. |
| AuthorDana Romualdi is a Canadian elementary teacher, social worker, blogger, author, motivational speaker and recording artist. She has a passion for helping others and spreading much-needed encouragement. She lives in Canada with her husband and two grown children. When she is not working in the classroom or blogging, she enjoys drinking coffee, watching Netflix and reading great books. ![]() Copyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana, revised edition, First edition, © 2014 entitled: Why Not Today? (Dana Romualdi) Dana Romualdi, the copyright holder reserves all rights to the content on the blog and website Little Lessons Learned by Dana, including the right to reproduce, distribute, and display the content. No content or photographs may be reproduced or modified. Blogs may be shared on social media platforms in their entirety only with full credit given to the owner. Any photographs used by other photographers are used with permission and are also protected. All Rights Reserved. |
Author.Dana Romualdi is a Canadian elementary teacher, blogger, author, and speaker. She has a passion for helping others and spreading much-needed encouragement. She lives in Canada with her husband and two grown children. When she is not working in the classroom or blogging, she enjoys drinking coffee, watching Netflix and reading great books. |
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