To say that life can be a rollercoaster at times would be an understatement. Life can take us on incredible highs and exciting twists and turns. Other times, we have to close our eyes, hold on tight, and just weather the storm. Learning to navigate life's challenging ups and downs can be very difficult, but we can approach our struggles with confidence, armed with a toolbox of strategies that will help us stay on top. Let me elaborate on some precious truths and helpful skills I have acquired over the years. By practicing these strategies, you will be modeling what overcomers do. Let me introduce you to The Overcomer Way. Take one day at a timeThere is a reason why it says in Matthew 6:25, "Do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will take care of itself." We have TODAY, and today is what we need to focus on. When we spend time worrying about the future, we rob ourselves of the joy of TODAY. We are not living with intention in the present moment but are lost in the perceived issues of the future. This is not the overcomer way. Worry will not add one moment to your life, and much of what we worry about often never transpires. Think about that. We get all worked up for nothing. Tomorrow is not promised, so let's make the most of today and find something in each day to celebrate. Don't sweat the small stuffI love my students dearly, but I have to laugh at what they get all worked up about sometimes. I realize they are only 8 and 9 years old (I teach second and third grade), but come on, people! They still need to know that the world will not end if someone cuts in line, doesn't want to play with them for one recess, or takes the last sucker of the color they wanted. Oh my! Sadly, we can follow their lead as adults sometimes. Someone cuts us off in traffic, empties the coffee pot at work without refilling it, or jams the photocopier. Relax. BREATHE. This too shall pass. To be an overcomer this year, you must keep perspective. Most of this stuff does. not. matter. Don't let these little things throw you into a frenzy. That is not the Overcomer way. Learn to be flexible and go with the flow. You will be so much better for it, plus a much more likable person as well. Keep your sense of humourNever underestimate the power of a great laugh to break the tension and turn the worst situation around. When my son Tyler was a little boy, he would often say, "Let's laugh about it," as he broke out into spontaneous giggles whenever things got too stressful at home. He was truly onto something there. Laughter lightens up the mood and can make the most stressful situations bearable. I am not making light of serious and upsetting issues, but suggesting that certain trials could use a touch of humor to keep us moving forward. Have a growth mindsetPlease know that change takes time. If you are working on issues, problem-solving, or learning new things, understand that things don't happen overnight and that you will get there on your timeline, not someone else's. Be your own cheerleader. Don't compare yourself to others. Tell yourself that you have not succeeded YET, but you will get there. I have made a recommitment to taking better care of my body in all aspects, and one way is through regular exercise. I have been taking fitness classes, and some of them are more challenging than others. I am trying my best, but guess who is last to finish each series of exercises EVERY time? You guessed it, ME! Shocking I know. Guess what though? I honestly don't care. I am only in competition with myself and am just working on doing the best I can each time I go. I have never taken these fitness classes before. Even taking the class and actually finishing all the activities led by the trainer is something I NEVER thought I could do. I am getting better every week and more confident. The trainer even said so! In my books I consider that a HUGE win. Find your peopleThere is something special about finding like-minded individuals who just get it and get you. The main reason they understand you is because they are in the same boat. They are walking through similar circumstances with the same goals, and they are who you need in your corner. In your ups and downs, trials and victories, they will be your people—the ones who will dry your tears and cheer you on. We were not meant to do life alone; we need each other. Find those fine folk and hold them close always. Partner with ChristTrue overcomers need Christ as part of their problem-solving team. I am a big fan of Mandisa and was terribly sad to hear of her recent passing at the young age of 47. I followed her closely on American Idol and loved how she boldly shared her faith and gave God the glory for where she was in her professional life. Her song "Overcomer" is one of my absolute favorites. Mandisa was not a stranger to adversity. She battled depression, thoughts of suicide, and a crippling addiction to food. God rescued her and put her on the path to victory, so when she sang the song "Overcomer," she felt every word because she lived it. In her song she says: Whatever it is you may be going through I know He's not gonna let it get the best of you You're an overcomer Stay in the fight 'til the final round You're not going under 'Cause God is holding you right now You might be down for a moment Feeling like it's hopeless That's when He reminds you That you're an overcomer You're an overcomer Thank you, Mandisa. I couldn't have said it better myself! I trust that you can use these strategies to move from being overwhelmed to living ... THE OVERCOMER WAY! Until next time, Dana Philippians: 4:13 ~ I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me. Little Lesson Learned: Life was never meant to be an overwhelming challenge. Know that you can be an OVERCOMER! Tags: life strategies, winning ways, growth mindset, personal growth, life skillsCopyright: © 2025 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi)
Happy New Year everyone! I don't know about you, but for me it seems that the past year just flew by. It is hard to believe that here we are once again, welcoming a brand new year. As exciting as that is, I have found myself doing a lot of self reflection and want to share 5 important revelations I plan to take with me as I journey through 2025. I feel these ideals will help me as I endeavour to be the best person I can be and strive to love God and love people wholeheartedly. I invite you to join me. Here we go! Baby steps countWith every new year comes the infamous new year's resolutions. I am a great proponent of the DREAM BIG mentality but truth be told, in years past I have been guilty of making my goals, let's just say, a bit too lofty. The problem with that is this practice left me in defeat and discouragement about mid-January. I am here to tell you that baby steps matter. They matter BIG TIME. Every positive step that you take towards becoming your best YOU counts. I read of a man who needed to lose a lot of weight. He was lost on how to begin exercising but desperately wanted to start. Rather than say "I will work out for an hour 5x a week" right off the hop, he focused on establishing the habit of physically going to the gym first 3x a week. He did very little exercising, initially but he kept building on his small steps and eventually the results came. I am re-reading The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy. The book is so helpful in reminding me how little positive choices, compound into big positive changes if you are willing to be patient and diligent. It is a great read and I highly recommend it for your 2025 reading list. Don't worry about resultsYou may be thinking, what do you mean don't worry about results? Let me explain with a personal example. I was talking to my trainer at the gym recently as I am getting back to my exercise routines. I told him that I had slacked off because, well, life happens. I told him that I am committing to establishing the habit of going to the gym again, and the results will follow. I am using that mentality in all aspects of my life actually. Results don't happen overnight. This is why so many of us struggle. We want things NOW. I am reminding myself to be patient, because good things take time and they are worth waiting for. I want to show up in the ways that I want to improve in with my best effort, and hold the truth in my heart that the results I am seeking will come, if I am faithful. Do it nowIt is not the time my friends to put things off. This is the year to mend relationships, make that needed phone call, eat healthier meals, spend your money wiser, go for that long walk, book the vacation you have always dreamed of, take an interesting course, or pick up a new hobby. Start now. Every day I am hearing of people who passed away unexpectedly, or whose life situations changed drastically. I am sure many of them never thought that that day, or year these things would come to pass. Tomorrow is never promised. Cherish the time that you do have and live each day to the fullest. Fill your own cup firstHow many times have we heard, you cannot pour from an empty cup? As cliche as that may sound, it is absolutely true. For myself, I need to be the best I can be for my family, and students. Being with 20 kids all day can really take its toll. I need to remind myself, that when I am at my best, I can give all that I should to those who I am with each day. Self care is not selfish, it is vital. Take a nap, read a book, take a bubble bath. Take care of yourself and you and others will reap the benefits. Do your best and let God do the restFor the Christ follower, we are never alone as we journey through life. We are only human but when we partner with God, we are truly a force to be reckoned with! Know that God wants you to succeed in your goals and positive changes that you desire. Ask Him for the strength and dedication to do your best and ask Him to bless your efforts. He cares about every aspect of your life. He really does. I wish you a wonderful new year and pray for you that you can make this a year to remember in the best way possible. Until next time, Dana Isaiah 43: 16 -19: Forget the former things. God is doing a new thing. Little Lesson Learned: Look to this new year with hopeful anticipation of what God and you can accomplish together. Tags: Happy New Year, new year's resolutions, 2025, life hacks, life goals, change your life, positive attitudeCopyright: © 2025 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi)
It's a Wonderful Life is my all-time favourite Christmas movie. Interestingly enough, my daughter Shannon had not seen it in its entirety so last night was the night. She truly enjoyed it. What a delight that movie is. I could actually watch it again and again. Even though this film was made 78 years ago, the powerful message of the movie still holds so true today. The message is simply how one person makes such a profound difference in the lives of others. For those that may be unfamiliar with this movie classic, let me explain. The storyline involves a small town man, named George Bailey who never got the chance to "see the world" as he so desired due to various circumstances beyond his control. Stuck in his little town of Bedford Falls, he reluctantly makes a name for himself running his father's small building and loan business. Through a serious mistake of one of his employees, forgetful Uncle Billy, George finds himself missing a huge sum of money. This causes George extreme stress as the villain of the story Mr. Potter, who owns everything in the town except the Bailey Building and Loan is giddy about the fact that George may go to jail and the Bailey Building and Loan will finally crumble. To add insult to injury, Mr. Potter knows exactly where the money is, but his lips are sealed. Desperate and alone, George contemplates suicide, but through heavenly intervention he comes to see the difference he has made in so many lives and that his life is still wonderful in spite of this recent crisis. I find the storyline of It's a Wonderful Life so relatable. I have found that in times of stress and crisis, it is so easy to think that my existence on this earth makes little to no difference to others. Caught up in my own pain and perhaps self pity, I cannot see beyond my immediate circumstances. It is in these situations time and time again that God lovingly reminds me of how much He loves me and that I DO matter to my family, friends, students and community. There is only one ME and I was lovingly created by God to fulfill a distinct purpose and calling. I find such comfort in that reassurance and have always felt that if I could make a difference in even ONE person's life, my time on earth has been very well spent. Have you ever felt this way my friend? Have you thought that you DON'T matter? If so, let me put a stop to that nonsense right now. You are so loved and valued and just like George you make such a profound impact on others each and every day. It may be hard to see at times, but the world is definitely a better, brighter place simply because of YOU! When hard times come, as they often do, don't forget what an important person you are to so many. Many would have stories to tell if they had the opportunity of how you have blessed them in some way and we serve a loving Saviour that thought you and I were so special that we were worth dying for so we could have eternal life in Heaven with Him. How incredible it that? So my friend, if you are struggling with self worth, know that I believe in you and so does God. I also highly recommend curling up with a nice hot chocolate and watching It's a Wonderful Life. Let the message of the power of one ~ (YOU) fill your heart to overflowing this Christmas! Until next time, Dana John 10:10 ~ Jesus came to provide an abundant life, which includes spiritual riches. Little Lesson Learned: Never doubt you matter. You do, to so many. Tags: It's a Wonderful Life, Christmas, power of one, making a differenceCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi)
"Have yourself a Merry little Christmas. Let your heart be light.” ~ Hugh Martin The Christmas season is here once again and amongst all the wonderful aspects of Christmas comes also unfortunately the stress of the hustle and bustle associated with this time of year. Let’s see, there are of course gifts to buy, which then leads to gifts to wrap, cards to send, trees to put up and decorate, parties to plan and attend, cookies to bake, and the list goes on and on! As a matter of fact, I am getting a little tired just writing the previous sentence! To my relief, my tree is up, not yet decorated, but it is indeed up. Yeah, me! As we have an artificial tree, I usually make a point of getting it up early November. Our tree and Christmas decorating goes up in stages. When it is done, it is so satisfying and I do really enjoy the calming and cozy atmosphere a lit tree provides. I can use a little more of that type of atmosphere right now, and I don’t think I am alone! Christmas carols are all over the radio and amongst the favourites you often hear is “It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year,” yet when things get hectic, it certainly may not seem so. It is really necessary to find the splashes of joy that are around you. My mom would bring splashes of joy to my classroom every time she came and especially at Christmas through something unusual: ugly sweaters. It all started one year when my mom brought some ugly Christmas sweaters over for my son as he needs one for an upcoming party. I asked her to show the my students as we are studying holiday traditions and I thought Ugly Christmas Sweater Parties would be a funny tradition to discuss. The kids got a real kick out of the discussion and several students excitedly modelled the sweaters in an impromptu fashion show. The priceless thing about it was these kids loved the sweaters and asked to wear them most of the day! Those tacky, overly festive, much too big sweaters brought those students so much joy. It was impossible not to laugh and feel the joy with them. Who would think that something so simple could make their day. The ugly sweater lesson has become an annual tradition in Room 21. It is certainly not the same without Mom there, but I know she is smiling down on me. It is also during those special moments that I feel especially close to her, even though she spends her Christmases in Heaven now. Also I purchased three chocolate advent calendars and each day three different students get to open a door and receive a seasonal chocolate. This too always generates so much excitement and smiles. Something so small, but still very meaningful. It is a great feeling to focus on giving rather than receiving and it really brings the joy of the season to reality. Sometimes when you hear of sad situations some folks are experiencing this season, you can be provided with a unique opportunity to be a "Secret Santa" to someone and that is so rewarding. One year a teaching colleague of mine told me a story that really broke my heart. She said that her kids had a Christmas party at their daycare center that they had signed up for. The reason they had to sign up was so that Santa would have enough presents for all the wonderful boys and girls. My friend eagerly signed up her kids and they were so excited to see Santa and receive a little gift. Here’s where the story takes a tragic turn. Many families did not sign up, but came anyway. This put the daycare center party in a very difficult position, because they were running out of presents very quickly. As my friends' kids finally made it to the front of the line, Santa wished them a very "Merry Christmas,” but sadly said he was “so sorry but he ran out of presents.” Seriously! Not his fault at all, but my friend said her kids were absolutely devastated. She tried to explain to them any way she could about the mishap but there was no comforting them whatsoever. So heartbreaking! I shared this sad story with my daughter and we made it our mission to “right this wrong.” We went out and purchased gifts for my friend's kids and sent them off to her school from Santa Claus. With the gifts, “Santa” apologized saying that he found these gifts in the back of his sleigh after the party and he was so sorry about what happened that day. My friend put out a thank you email to whoever was “Santa” and shared how it meant so much to her and her kids. My daughter and I were so excited to do this and to hear it really touched them was a bonus. Splashes of joy had filled both our hearts and theirs! Joy can come in the most unusual places if we are looking for it. Even Charlie Brown from the Peanuts Gang struggled during the season to find the joy of the holidays. He did find joy eventually through the help of a group of friends and a tiny tree that needed a little love. You see, Christmas joy is not linked to dollar amounts. We do not find true joy in getting the latest this or that necessarily, but it is really about the others around us. We can bring joy to others through so many little things. A hug, a smile, a card, a word of encouragement, or a listening ear can all go very far during this busy season. I am going Christmas caroling with my class door to door in the school before the Christmas break. The students get so excited to do this. I feel some of my best memories at Christmas involved caroling. I am so pleased to bring back this special tradition and share this with them. You know how Buddy the Elf says “The best way to spread Christmas cheer, is singing loud for all to hear!” That is our goal and I hope by doing this it does spread some splashes of joy to those rooms we visit. The Christmas season has just begun and the joy splashing possibilities are endless! I hope you are able to be on the giving and receiving end of something that brings you a splash of joy in an otherwise routine, and typical day. This is the whole reason why Christ came as a baby in the manger. The angels said on the night of His birth that they brought tidings of great joy which shall be to all people, not just a select few. I pray that you will have the joy of the season with Christ by your side this Christmas. The lyrics of a Christmas song say it so well. “May the joy of the season surround you, as the flame of His love keeps you warm. May you be overflowing this Christmas, with the glorious gifts from above.” This is my sincere wish for each and every one of you! Joy to you this Christmas and always, Dana Psalms 71:23 ~ My lips will shout for joy, when I sing praise to you – I whom you have delivered. Little Lesson Learned: In all the craziness that sometimes come with this time of year, make a conscious effort to seek, receive and give joy. It will mean so much to you and others. Tags: Christmas, joy, giving gifts, Jesus, stress of Christmas, presents, mindfulness, true meaning of ChristmasCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi) second edition / first edition 2014: May The Joy of the Season Surround You
As Christmas is just around the corner, The Shoebox program called Operation Christmas Child is in full swing once again. As per usual our church has been busy collecting boxes and items for this wonderful program sponsored by the organization called, Samaritan’s Purse. I often imagine the kids who will be on the receiving end of these boxes full of treasures, and it always makes me smile. Thinking that this may be the one and only gift these kids will ever receive in their lifetimes, is really hard to fathom. In our society it is not uncommon close to Christmas to see our own Christmas trees at home overflowing with gifts all around it. So many of us are so blessed. For many of us, we do not really need anything at all, yet are still fortunate to have gifts under the tree, year after year with our names on them. Our family has been packing boxes for twenty five years. It is a beautiful tradition and believe me we try to cram as much as possible into each and every shoebox. I remember the first year we got involved with this wonderful experience vividly. My daughter Shannon was only one at the time, but three-year-old Tyler was delighted to accompany us on our trip to fill the boxes. He had a grand old time at the Dollarama with us. On a mission, he carried a basket around with so much glee and enthusiasm. As I had explained what we were doing, he was perfectly delighted to find lots of great treats and treasures that filled his basket to the absolute brim. To my surprise never once did he ask for things for himself. This was shocking and surprising to me as he was only three. No matter how loaded the basket got, he insisted on carrying it all by himself which was both commendable and sweet. When we were finally ready to check out though, he really struggled to lift his heavy basket onto the checkout counter. This caught the attention of an older lady. In fact she had been curiously observing us for quite some time. As we went to the check-out she very sarcastically said “My, aren’t WE a lucky boy!” Without missing a beat, Tyler completely put that woman in. her. place. saying, “Look lady! These things aren’t for me. They are for the poor children!” The lady, now red in the face, quickly apologized and immediately left the store. This is a moment I will always remember and it does make me chuckle. It is hard to forget when a three-year-old, brings a busybody down to size. I’d say you’ve been told lady and a three-year-old gets it better than you. It is incredible how this program has helped people look beyond their own experiences. I have seen very poor families come in with boxes and items and I know what a great sacrifice that must have been for them. I have heard of others who instead of buying for each other, pack a box. Other folks host parties where they all bring items and pack boxes as a group. This experience has really brought people together as they strive to show God’s love in practical ways throughout the holiday season. My students in the past have brought in items and helped me pack boxes as well. It really gave them an opportunity to understand how blessed we are in Canada and how giving to others is so very important. I watched a video on Facebook of children receiving their boxes from Operation Christmas Child and was so touched with the indescribable joy that they showed when the boxes were placed in their hands. What really blew me away was one boy was dancing, high fiving his friends and jumping for joy without even opening the box yet. How many of us would show that level of appreciation before we even unwrapped a gift? Not many I am afraid to say. If anything, we MAY show a smaller version of this after the paper has been shredded, but definitely not before. This is an interesting thing to ponder. You see, the excitement was felt at first in the mere gesture of receiving a gift, and the opening of the gift was really an added bonus. Wow! That short video was very humbling for me, as it showed extreme gratitude in its purest form. I wonder, when have I ever been THAT grateful? It is hard to articulate. Perhaps when I was a child and I received that much hoped for toy? I do remember when Cabbage Patch dolls were all the rage and I wanted one so desperately. Unfortunately if you were able to get ANY Cabbage Patch doll at that time, you were extremely lucky because they were always in short supply. By some miracle though, my parents actually got one and surprised me with it for my birthday. Understandably upon receiving it I was beside myself. I could not comprehend that they had found one. They were THAT hard to buy! From that moment on Raymond Fred and I lived happily ever after and to this day he is a doll I still cherish. My parents had such joy giving him to me too. It was very sweet to witness them grinning from ear to ear as I did the dance of joy with him. So why does it change and getting gifts has become so commonplace for us? We don’t have to wonder IF we will get something, but instead wonder WHAT we will get. This Christmas, let’s not forget about those who are less fortunate. Let’s reflect upon the types of kids who are a part of the shoebox program. Let’s learn from their example and be truly grateful for all we have. Their thankful hearts and appreciation are absolutely inspiring and we can certainly learn much from them. If you are interested in Operational Christmas Child or the great work of Samaritan’s Purse here is the link. Until next time, Dana 1 Thessalonians 5:18 ~ Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Little Lesson Learned: An expression of extreme gratitude is at times a rare occurrence. Let’s be mindful of all we have this holiday season and beyond. Tags: giving gifts, less fortunate, missions, Operation Christmas Child, Samaritans purse, shoebox program, ChristmasCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi) second edition / first edition 2015: Smiles in a Shoebox
“Those who wish to sing, always have a song.” Years ago when my kids were in university I would sometimes tag along with them to a night class. I remember this one night very well. My son Tyler and I had started to commute to the local university together one night a week. Tyler had a night class, and I chose to go along. I would just bring my laptop and big bag of marking to keep me occupied, so it was a win - win for both of us. I loved that it was a great time to chat and catch up for Tyler and I. Tyler appreciated the company and I very much enjoyed the chance to spend some one on one time with him. I recall on this particular week it was pouring rain like I had never seen. We unfortunately got caught in back to back traffic near the U.S. border for about an hour. For miles, semi-trucks were backed up as far as the eye could see. We felt like very small fish in a very big pond with so many huge vehicles surrounding us. Yikes! Many times we were at a complete standstill and to add to the dilemma, the rain kept pouring down. The situation was less than ideal, but somehow being together made it that much more bearable. Tyler made the observation that he was so grateful that I had come along as it was quite an intimidating feeling being sandwiched in by a barricade of massive trucks. I reflected on the fact that I was so thankful we had stopped for gas and a bite to eat prior to heading into Windsor. Tyler also mentioned that much to his relief midterms were two weeks ago, so the pressure to make it on time to class was lifted. Realizing there was nothing we could do about the situation, rather than complain we chose to see the bright side. I realize this is often hard to do, but we chose to settle in and just accept it. With a warm coffee in hand, a positive outlook and good company, an irritating scenario was suddenly quite comfortable, and even enjoyable, because we simply CHOSE to view it that way. Life is funny sometimes. We can often handle the big things in our lives but it is the little things that often weigh us down. We have to make a choice of how we will respond to negative situations. When we feel surrounded by life’s demands that have put our world at a standstill, do we put on our seatbelts and enjoy the journey, or do we honk and yell and complain the whole way? Our response is our choice, yet some days, let’s be honest are sure harder than others. Some days just seem to hand us one stress-filled scenario after another. We can be left thinking - Lord have mercy! When will this day end? One of my favourite children's books is Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible No-Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst. In this very funny book everything seems to go wrong for Alexander on this very bad day. He has cavities at the dentist, no dessert packed in his lunch, he was declared a “third best friend” by someone he considered a BFF and to add insult to injury was even rejected by the family cat. As the story continues he repeatedly declares he is moving to Australia insinuating that that is the "magical place" where problems no longer exist! At the end of the story his mother reassures him that tomorrow will be a better day and that many people have terrible, horrible, no – good very bad days, even in Australia. Alexander’s feeling that there is some geographical cure for his hardships is not uncommon. I have heard time and time again people say such things that if they just “lived here,” or “moved there,” their lives would be so much better. The reality that those people seem to miss is that wherever you go, your problems follow you. Sadly whatever is unresolved “here,” will still be unresolved “there.” Happiness is a choice. Happy people do not necessarily have happy lives. Many have lives that are actually very stressful and sad, yet somehow they still have found a reason to be joyful. Outlook is everything. A little boy in my class years ago had an expression he was always known to say when faced with a challenge. Like clockwork he would take a deep breath, smile and say “I will try my best.” I really respected him for that and it was clearly the secret to his success. No matter what life brings our way when we try our best to have a positive attitude and view challenges as a learning opportunity, many wonderful things can happen. Remembrance Day is coming soon. I remember one Remembrance Day assembly we had there was a song that really spoke to me. It was called “Do You Know Where I Find Peace?” The song went on to say “peace begins inside of me” and I couldn’t help but think how very true that statement was. We can make peace with our situations and by doing so allow ourselves to be more effective to others. I have found that the most powerful example to others are those who are in the storms of life, yet still find a reason to be joyful. The expression “Life is hard, but God is good,” is very true. We were never promised a perfect life. We were never promised all rainbows and no storms. What we are promised is that we have a God who hears our prayers and is “closer than a brother,” to help us through our trials. Doing our part by keeping our spirits positive and trying to see the good in less than ideal situations can really give us an advantage in life. Life can be really hard but please know that we all go through hard times. Tough times don’t last, but tough people do. The expression that we often don’t want to hear when we are in the thick of problems is “this too shall pass,” but it is really accurate. What has life handed you today? Do you feel like moving to Australia? I hope not but if so, know that tomorrow is a new day and we serve a God who says that His mercies are “new every morning.” Be encouraged as you never know what tomorrow will bring. Tomorrow could just hold that breakthrough you have been waiting for, so let’s look at the bright side! Until next time, Dana Lamentations 3: 22-23 ~ The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases, His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness. Little Lesson Learned: There usually is a bright side to little stressful situations if we are willing to look for it. Tags: positive attitude, positive outlook, the bright side, look for the good, life is good, tough times don't lastCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi) second edition / first edition 2014: called The Bright Side
"Working for the Lord doesn't pay much on earth, but the retirement plan is out of this world." Author Unknown Full-time jobs and careers come in all shapes and sizes. There are homemakers, doctors, full-time students, government workers, teachers, wait staff, doctors, nurses, pastors, custodians, and construction workers just to name a few. I could literally be here all day naming careers, and if I did not name yours, please know that I see you. I validate you. I respect so much what you do day after day, after day. It truly takes all kinds of people to make this world go around and we all truly need each other. There are so many careers that I know I would not be good at and simply could. not. do. The point I am trying to make is no matter what we do on the daily, often it can leave any and all of us exhausted, overwhelmed and feeling unappreciated at times. Life can be tough and we can question if we are making any difference at all in our corner of the world. If you never felt this way about your job, congratulations. I am so very happy for you. If you are like me though, and the struggle is real, you are my people. Sometimes we just need to know that we matter and our work is valued. I am a teacher. An interesting thing happened in my classroom these past weeks. For whatever reason, there has been an unusual amount of notes, pictures and gifts coming my way from my sweet students. My display cupboard is getting quite full, barely able to display them all. (What is going on here?) To top it off a little guy walked in this week with a mug for me that said "Teacher of the Year." He was beaming. I told him I will certainly do my best to try to live up to that title and how much his thoughtful gift meant to me. It was very encouraging for me, because so many times unbeknownst to him, as an elementary teacher I feel so inadequate. My tasks are many and I can get easily discouraged. This little parade of loving gestures really brought my spirits up, and meant more than my students could fully understand. You see, the teaching profession has become increasingly difficult over the years. This is my 20th year and so much has changed from when I first started. Kids are coming in with more complicated issues and diverse needs. It has left those of us in education feeling like we are not doing enough, or we just can't keep up. I know the feeling of being overwhelmed at the workplace is NOT unique to education. I am sure many of you can relate. If you are feeling like this, here are some things you need to hear. You matterYou have been uniquely placed where you are in a circle of people that others do not have. Without you, your workplace would be very different and missing something that only you can bring. Even if your work is routine, or mundane, you have the power to put your own unique flair on it. I heard of a toll booth worker who danced his whole shift away as he took peoples' toll fees. He said it feels like a personal dance party every day and kept him in shape too. He explained, "Some might see this toll booth like a coffin, but not me. It is my personal dance floor!" Wow! With an attitude like that he will surely go far. Sometimes appreciation comes laterSometimes you get validation right away, sometimes it takes time and sometimes unfortunately you never get the appreciation you are seeking. Please know that even if you do not hear words of gratitude, it does not mean that you are not making a difference. Sometimes even years later you will get the thanks you deserve. I recall a student of mine when I just started my career, who would tell me how much she hated me every day. I had replaced her beloved teacher who was on maternity leave and she resented me big time. She would tell me I was a terrible teacher and how much she wanted her original teacher back every day. Ouch! Years later I ran into her and did not even recognize her. To make a long story short, she knew me and quickly apologized for how unkind she had been to me and stated that I had been a good teacher and she had always felt bad about how mean she had been to me. I did not expect her apology, or compliments and what she said really meant something to me even after all those years. You can encourage yourselfWhat I have found when times get tough at work and I feel that I am behind and falling short of what I would like to be is to do this little routine. I give myself a pep talk and remind myself that I am doing the best I can, in less than ideal circumstances. I tell myself that I am here in this job, in this season for a reason. God has placed me here and I don't want to let Him down. I reflect on all the good and positives my job brings and focus on the group of people I am with each day knowing for me they are the ones that I can impact the most. For me it is little and big people otherwise known as students and colleagues. I know that God is my full-time teaching partner so I will be just fine in the end. Any work can be God's workYou do not have to be a pastor or on the mission field to do the Lord's work. In fact some of the best work we do for the Lord is in the little unseen tasks and gestures we do at our jobs that go unnoticed. Any job can be a ministry and we can do this work for the Lord to make this world a better place. Moms of littles especially, you are doing some of the most important work out there. Please know that! Be encouraged and know that when our jobs get hard we can find comfort in knowing that God has us there for some reason and with His strength we can make our corner of the world a little brighter as we do our jobs for Him. Until next time, Dana Colossians 3: 22- 23 (NIV) Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving. Little Lesson Learned: Any job is meaningful and can impact others when we dedicate it to God. Tags: careers, appreciation, discouragement, jobs, working for the LordCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi)
“Enjoy the little things in life for someday you’ll look back and realize they were the BIG things.” ~ Robert Brault“ Thanksgiving is just around the corner in Canada where I am so proud to live. It is truly a beautiful time of year. Today I noticed what some might deem, a little thing. The leaves had started to change into their glorious fall colours and I couldn’t help but marvel at the beauty of it all. I have often thought of how God created the incredible trees so that even in their death they exude beauty for all of us to witness. Now I had walked by these trees day after day, yet somehow never really “saw” them until today. Life is like that sometimes. Little, wonderful things can be right under our noses yet we somehow miss them for whatever reason. We have so many things to be thankful for that is certain, yet it is often the little things that we take for granted. We want different menu options, a larger bank account, a bigger home, a faster car, a better paying job and the list goes on and on. Sadly we forget at times those who are less fortunate and have none of these things at all. Several years ago I was discussing different types of homes people have in Canada in social studies class with my students. Among the obvious answers were houses, apartments, trailer homes, and condominiums, yet in the discussion a very interesting “home” came up. A little girl raised her hand and said somewhat timidly “a cardboard box?” The puzzled students started giggling thinking this little girl was really confused, yet she went on to explain. On her family vacation they had driven through an area with a very high homeless population and she had seen a small settlement of makeshift homes from boxes and anything else these unfortunate people could find. The little girl was shocked and dismayed, but her parents used this opportunity to explain and to enlighten her that that is how some people live. The student then went on to educate her classmates about how lucky we are to live the way we do and how that experience was something she will always remember. Shelter is a little thing we often do not think of as a blessing until we are face to face with someone who does not have that simple necessity. Our class conversation took a deeper turn that day and allowed us to focus on the little things in life that we often take for granted. We are so blessed to have homes, transportation, money for our needs, clothing and food on our tables. One year a new little boy entered my classroom. His family had recently experienced some tough times financially, yet fortunately I was told things were starting to look up for his little family, as his father got a new job. When I asked him if he would like to introduce himself to the class and share something about himself that was interesting or special he was more than happy to oblige. He proudly said his name and then he said something without hesitation I will never forget. He said “two things that are special about me are I like to eat well, and I like to be clean.” Little things that we take for granted like plenty of food and a warm bath or shower were recent luxuries that he was truly grateful for. These little things were placed high on his thankful list. It was a very humbling moment for me and I felt honored to have that little guy on my class list. He stole my heart that day and I made it a personal mission of mine to make sure he felt very blessed that year under my direction. Little things can bring us so much joy if we are open to recognizing them. A warm cup of tea, an unexpected phone call, a funny movie, a good laugh with friends, curling up for a nap, a warm cozy fire, or a lazy Saturday afternoon with no particular agenda can bring us such pleasure. There has been an uprising on social media about gratitude where people are making a conscious effort to recognize often the little things that enhance their lives and bring them joy. This is truly wonderful because it is important for all of us to stay in an attitude of gratitude to lead the best possible lives for ourselves. Some people are the opposite. As Sebastian says in The Little Mermaid they live their lives thinking “the seaweed is always greener in somebody else’s lake.” They are never grateful for what is in front of them and they are never satisfied with what they have. This is so sad and a very unhealthy way to live. It is difficult to be around these types of people as their negativity can really bring you down too if you allow it. Sometimes it takes pivotal life circumstances to help them truly see their blessings. I have many scented body lotions and candles around the house. When my son Tyler was little he loved to smell these special little lotions, and small scented candles. He was quite obsessed actually and it was precious. He knew all the names by heart, and would he take them to my mom’s house and have her smell them too. He had such an appreciation for something so small it was truly heartwarming. He would say things like “This is summer peach or this is vanilla cookie,” and “Doesn’t it smell awesome?” as he would light up with pleasure over each smelly treasure. I remember thinking how sweet it was that he thought something so simple was so special and interesting. I knew right then, I could really learn a lot from him in this area. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, (Hey, even in the USA it comes in November, which will be here before you know it!) what a perfect time to start focusing on what you do have over what you don’t. What little or big things are you most thankful for? My faith, family, friends, and career bring me great fulfillment and I am so blessed to have what I have in these areas. We all have areas of our lives that need changes or growth, but no matter who we are, we still have many things to be thankful for as well. The Bible tells us to be thankful in all circumstances, not just the perfect or ideal scenarios. God wants us to cultivate an attitude of gratitude no matter what comes our way and He really does want to bless us out of His deep love and commitment to us. So, as the turkey is passed around the table this year, take a moment to really take it all in. Don’t let it become a ritual. Focus on those who are at your table and reflect upon God’s goodness to you this past year. Count your many blessings and be thankful! Little things really are some of life’s biggest blessings! Until next time, Dana 1 Thessalonians 5:18: Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. Little Lesson Learned: A thankful heart for little things will really bless you and others. Tags: thankfulness, gratitude, thankful heart, Thanksgiving, little things, blessingsCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi) second edition, first edition Little Things ( 2014)
September 30th marks the two year anniversary of losing my beautiful mom. Grief is such a complicated emotion. Certain days I am handling it well, and then something comes that will trigger a memory, and my grief feels fresh and raw all over again. This is totally normal. You never "get over" losing someone you love. You just somehow through God's grace learn to manage your loss. Losing a loved one leaves a huge hole in your daily life, as the void you now must live with can at times completely overwhelm you. I have learned some strategies and have been involved in some healing activities that have helped me honour my mom as a walk through my grief. Perhaps you are grieving someone as well at the moment. Here are some suggestions on how to keep his or her memory alive and let that very special person's legacy live on. 1. Talk about them oftenPlease talk about your loved one as often as you need to. If you have people in your circle who find your conversation about your lost loved one awkward or uncomfortable, find people who don't. Gravitate towards others who are great listeners and/ or who are also on their own grief journeys. They are "your people" right now. These fine folks will help you on this difficult road. Writing my blog has also been such a source of healing for me as I include memories of mom and life lessons she taught me very often. 2. Organize events to remember themOn the first anniversary of my mom's passing, we started a tradition of going to a favourite restaurant as a family with my siblings, their families and my dad. We had a bonfire after and shared many sweet memories of mom. We continue this tradition today. Mom loved to eat out with friends. She was very sociable. She cherished these special times with others. We honour her by participating in what she loved. To keep my mom's memory alive in my classroom, I planned a "You are My Sunshine" party with my students. Mom had a huge collection of "You are my Sunshine" items that she had accumulated over the years. She was literally sunshine in human form, and she would always sing this song to us as kids. I explained to my students that my Mom was always doing kind things for others, so in her name, I was doing something kind for them. I encouraged them to keep the kindness going, and one of the activities at the party was to make a card for others letting them know how much they were loved and valued. It was a big success and a great time was had by all. 3. Recognize people who were important to themMy mom was a faithful volunteer at my workplace, Queen Elizabeth Public School. She LOVED the staff and the staff LOVED her. On her Mrs. Lear "Fridays" she would go door to door in the school hallways sharing her humour, kindness and friendly conversation with all she met. She was just like that and everyone was drawn to her. On a professional development day, I had special baked goods brought in that were lovingly prepared by a dear colleague of mine for the staff to enjoy. It was my way of remembering Mom and thanking my great coworkers for the love and kindness they had shown to Mom all throughout the years as well. It brought me great comfort to bring them a little "sunshine" on that September day. 4. Donate to their favourite charity in their nameMom's favourite charity was an organization called Sleeping Children Around the World. This charity gives bedkits to children in impoverished countries so they can have a comfortable and safe place to sleep. As an extended family, we purchased several bedkits in Mom's name. What makes this charity very special is they take a picture of the recipient of the bed kit with a plaque with Mom's name on it and send it to us. The charity also wrote me a handwritten note extending their condolences on Mom's passing, sharing what a faithful supporter she was of SCAW in the past. That was very special. 5. Live your best lifeYour special person you are missing would not want you to live the rest of your life in sorrow. I am not suggesting in any way that you do not take time to properly grieve. You must and need to do that, but don't stay there. Your loved one would not want you to live in black clothes acting like YOUR life is over all the time. He or she would want the opposite for you. Don't stop living because your loved one did. Live on with passion and make him or her a part of all you do. They are always with you in spirit and in your heart and that is something no one can ever take from you. I have always had a special heart for people who are grieving. I wrote a book entitled Magic Kisses on that very subject. If you are interested in purchasing it, feel free to click on the picture below to order it. These simple ways to honour Mom have brought me such comfort. I hope that if you are grieving right now, you can find meaningful ways to honour your special person as well. Feel free to use one of my ideas if it feels right for you. Until next time, Dana P.S. Miss you Mom! I will live my whole life to love God and people the way you did! Psalms 34:18 ~ The Lord is close to the broken hearted. He rescues those whose spirits are crushed. Little Lessons Learned: Those we love are never really gone, because they live forever in our hearts.
Tags: grief and loss, honouring lost lost ones, comfort, legacies, loss of mother, processing griefCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi)
"Her absence is like the sky, spread over everything." ~ C.S. Lewis I have been really missing Mom BIG TIME as the days quickly approach to the second anniversary of her passing. To think it has already been almost two years that this beautiful soul left us here on earth is hard to comprehend sometimes. Although she is not physically with me, she is truly with me every day. I feel her in so many ways throughout my days. It is so encouraging and comforting. I am my mother's daughter in so many ways and I am extremely proud of that. Her pictures are prominently displayed in my home and classroom and I love to share the timeless life lessons she taught me whenever I can. Mom had so much wisdom and she took every chance she could to impart the powerful lessons she had learned along the way to anyone who would listen. I am so happy to share some of my favourites with you. "Don't lose the victory."Mom would always say when tough times come, don't let those circumstances rob your joy, or pull you under. With Jesus at our side we are always on the winning team. Mom was no stranger to adversity. She struggled with clinical depression several times in her life. At times, she definitely was pulled under by this dark disease, and keeping the victory seemed impossible for her. We never stopped praying for her and MANY times she had beautiful times of recovery and redemption. For her last bout of depression, we were not so fortunate. She did not receive her victory of a healing on earth, but we know Mom is living her best, victorious life in Heaven and we do find great comfort in that. "Keep a rainbow in your heart."As we would navigate our hardest days, Mom would encourage us to keep joy tucked in our hearts, despite the personal storms we might be experiencing. This would keep us moving ahead and pointed in the right direction every time. What I always loved about this expression, is that it emphasized that despite what was happening around us that we could not control, we could control what was happening in us which was our reaction to circumstances. This is where the power lies. Many times I experienced joy in chaos and the peace that passes understanding that the Bible speaks of when I chose to keep that optimistic rainbow shining brightly in my heart. "There's better days ahead."Mom would remind us that tough times don't last, but tough people do. I want to remind you of that as well. It is important to reflect on the past when the hard times come. You have come through so much already and you will come through this too. This too shall pass, even when at the time it feels that this struggle, challenge or stage will NEVER end. Be assured this is not how your story ends. It is just a bump in the road. Hang in there my friend. "Be a Can-do woman."Mom would encourage us to get I can't out of our vocabulary. I strongly advise you to do the same. Let's start to change our response and dialogue together to the challenges in life. Repeat after me: I can do this! I can overcome this! I will come through this better and stronger! I can and will use this trial to be a blessing to others in time when I am ready. This picture above was the last picture taken of Mom and I together before she passed away. She was still struggling with depression, yet trying to implement and exemplify the life lessons she had imparted to us. I am who I am because of her. I am forever grateful for all that she taught me and will NEVER forget how incredibly special she was. She had so much great advice to share and I trust that these few examples have resonated with you and you can tuck them in your heart today! Until next time, Dana
Tags: grief, losing a mother, life lessons, things mom taught me, legacy, remember loved onesCopyright: © 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana (Dana Romualdi)
January 2025