It has been very exciting to sit down and watch the Olympics on TV this month. My personal favourites are gymnastics, swimming and diving. It is especially memorable to see the athletes achieve gold. I can only imagine how that must feel after years and years of training, to stand on the podium, see your flag raised and hear your national anthem played in your honour. It is the moment these athletes have dreamed of and to see it become reality must be so satisfying and yet completely overwhelming all at once. That type of success does not come easily. It requires day after day, month after month, year after year being faithful in tasks that at times may seem insignificant. Putting consistent effort forth each and every day however, has tremendous potential to compound itself into a powerful, positive force to be reckoned with. In the book The Compound Effect by Darren Hardy, he talks about the truth that there is no real secret to being successful. He shares that success just naturally comes when people repeat positive and productive habits over and over. It makes sense. If you want to lose weight, you must eat healthy and exercise consistently. Having one good day and expecting the scale to move is ridiculous. Being consistent is the key. It sounds simple, yet life has a way of getting in the way even with our best intentions. So how can we go for the gold in our everyday lives and see profound, lasting change? Here are 5 tips to help you get to the top of your podium. 1.Determine your "WHY?" Your "why" is the core motivation and/or people behind your reasons for wanting to better your life. Clearly define why you want to make changes and who it will affect the most. When times get tough, a strong why will keep you going. A friend of mine was building a home business and her goal was to eventually quit her corporate job. She would get up early and stay up late working her other job in between. She was exhausted, but focused. Her "why" kept her going. She wanted to be more present in her kids' lives. She wanted to be at the bus stop every day for her kids when they became school age and staying focused on that kept her going even through the hardest times. She did eventually quit her corporate job and her home business is absolutely thriving due to her having a clearly defined "why" that kept her motivated. 2. Envision your end goal: If your goal is to be 40 lbs thinner, envision yourself as such and imagine what that type of healthier life will provide you. If you wish to be more financially fit and are working towards that, envision yourself debt free and what that will do for you and your family. If you are wishing to become pregnant, decorate the nursery and imagine rocking that precious baby in your loving arms. Create a dream board of all that you aspire to achieve. Put it out there and speak positively about what you hope to achieve. Keep picturing the life you will have when you attain your goals, envision it and dream it into reality. 3. Speak and think positively Phrase what you want to become as if you have already achieved it such as: "I am a healthy, fit calm and relaxed mom" or "I am a highly successful business woman with a large team under me." Don't let negative thoughts or self doubt creep in. By speaking positively and putting it out there in the universe it is your way of saying, "Mark my words, universe this will come to pass." 4. Surround yourself with positive people They say you become like the five people you hang around with the most. Choose those five people very carefully. Make sure they are upstanding people of substance who keep you moving towards your goals, not against them. Gravitate towards people who edify you and fill your cup so you feel doubly inspired to pursue your dreams when you are with them. 5. Get a success partner Find someone who is on a similar journey as you, with the same goals and partner up with them. Maybe you both want to start a home business or lose weight or save money. Work on it together and check in with each other often to see how each other is progressing. Share honestly how things are going even if you are struggling. These people will help you stay accountable too as you get each day a little closer to your goal. Striving for a better life is a continuous process. We should all be striving to better ourselves in many areas as no one is ever too old to learn new things and everyone is truly a work in progress. Life can get pretty comfortable, but nothing ever grows in a comfort zone. We need to want better things for our lives. Don't lose heart. I believe in you. Keep being faithful. If you do, you will see results. It is the compound effect in action. Envision if with me. Take a deep breath. Close your eyes and see it. I see your flag being raised and I can hear the national anthem being played in your honour. Can't you see it and hear it too? Until next time ~ Dana Proverbs 28:20 ~ A faithful man will abound with blessings... Little Lesson Learned: Gold medal lifestyles are created by being faithful in the small, positive things each and every day. Copyright: littlelessonslearnedbydana,2016
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