The weather has been glorious and it has been so encouraging to wake up and enjoy the beautiful sunshine day after day. Today was a little curious though. It was sunny, overcast, raining, gray and then repeated all over again. It was like the weather couldn't decide what it wanted to be. I couldn't help but make a real life connection to the weather situation, as that is how I feel some days. Some days are just like that. There is the good, the bad and the ugly all in one day. No matter what life throws us and believe me it with throw us some major curve balls, our attitude is truly the key to handling it all. Having a little sunshine in our pockets to make our own or someone else's day a little brighter can really go a long way. I read a story of a gentleman who worked at a toll both for over 30 years. Where his co-workers would literally drag their feet and pull themselves into what one of his colleagues called her "coffin" for the day, he just grinned and said "Excuse me but I am having a dance party." He would play his favourite tunes and dance the day away. As he completed his mundane, routine task of collecting money, it was hard not to notice the joy overflowing in his spirit to all who passed by. A great example of finding joy where there is only a boring, predictable routine in some people's eyes. Look for drops of sunshine in each day. It doesn't take much to turn our days around if we are open. A sunshine surprise could be a note from a friend, a coffee left on a desk, a sweet hand drawn picture with a heartfelt message in backwards letters, a concerned phone call, a hug, or a smile. All these things can help make a bad day better or a terrible day bearable. I remember one particular day at school several years ago, I was having some emotional stuff going on and I found myself teary in class. It was not something I could discuss with the students but kids are very perceptive and I know they could tell I was a little "off." At that time one little boy came and just about knocked me off my feet surprising me with the biggest bear hug of all time and later that day a sweet little girl begged me for a chance to share an original song she had wrote. Of course I obliged as how could I deny her adorable face and heartfelt enthusiasm? Much to my delight and surprise is was affectionately entitled by her "Why I Love Mrs. R." Sometimes I am truly humbled by what I do every day and kids sure do have a special way of helping you remember what is really important in life. Lots of sunshine coming from their pockets towards me for sure. I needed my sunglasses in class that day! I love Justin Timberlake's new song called Can't Stop The Feeling as it talks of having sunshine in your pocket and dancing the day away no matter where you are. I have included the video at the end for your enjoyment. For copyright reasons, it cannot be directly linked to the blog but the link at the bottom will take you to YouTube to view it. My mom used to refer to this premise but she called it "Keep a rainbow in your heart." It was her way of saying no matter what comes your way today, stay positive and your day will go much better. It was a simple statement, but really made sense to me even at a young age. Often I have been prompted to say a compliment to someone, or perform a kind, simple gesture yet have questioned the significance. It is always reassuring when I go ahead and do it, and time and time again the person often confirms that is just what he or she needed. In Sunday School we were taught this little formula that uses the letters of joy to instruct how to have true joy in your life. It goes put Jesus first, others second and yourself last. It makes sense as when we do this, we get our eyes off our circumstances and can reach beyond ourselves and help others. The cool thing is we get helped as well in the process, so it is clearly a win - win. What sunshine in your pocket do you have to offer? I read a quote this week that stated "One of the best things you can do to improve the world is to improve yourself." Very true. Don't ever question your value. You have the power to make someone's day who may need exactly the sunshine you have for them in their very dark and cloudy time. Think about that. Don't hesitate to shine and keep your own attitude positive. Sometimes we are the only ones available to pull ourselves out of a funk. If that is your scenario, remember the man in the toll booth and know although your daily life may not be all you had hoped it would be, you always have a reason to be happy and dance the day away. Until next time, ~ Dana Matthew 5:16 ~ Let your light shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify your Father, which is in Heaven. Little Lesson Learned: A little ray of sunshine can brighten the darkest corner. Copyright: littlelessonslearnedbydana, 2016
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January 2025