"Patience is not the ability to wait. Waiting is a fact of life. Patience is the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting."
~ Joyce Meyers
Whoever said patience was a virtue, sure got it right! We live in a society where we have a hard time being patient. We are so used to getting things quickly that we often get easily frustrated when waiting for something. The bottom line is many things in life are worth waiting for, and when they happen for us, in hindsight we see that the timing was perfect!
I remember being very overdue for my son, Tyler waiting for his birth and I shared my frustration with my grandmother. She always had great wisdom and when I asked her about when she thought I would ever have this baby of mine, she simply replied without missing a beat, "When the apple is ripe, it will fall!" Very true, isn't it? Simply it means, when the time is right, it will happen!
My daughter, Shannon has incredible musical abilities. She plays piano, flute, and ukulele and has a very lovely singing voice. The only problem was as a young teen, she was very shy and nervous at first to share her talents with the world. For years I encouraged her to play and sing in public, or to audition for a play, but she clearly was not ready. She was interested, but it was not her season, her time. Recently that has all changed! She has now been in bands and choirs, has played keyboard and sang at church, and even performed in musicals! Most recently, you can find her faithfully posting on Instagram and Facebook. She posts music videos of her proudly performing, as well as encouraging blogs and posts she has written. She is clearly out of the shadows and into the spotlight, using the gifts that God gave her. I am so proud of her! It is a beautiful thing to witness someone blossom and begin to showcase his or her talents. It is incredible to see people believe in themselves and take wings and fly! Nowadays, it is a rare thing to not hear Shannon singing some Broadway show tune or worship song, or playing the piano downstairs with gusto. I am not complaining though, because it is literally music to my ears. No pun intended! Incidentally, Shannon has a social media handle on Facebook and Instagram known as The Confident Christian! (@ the_confident_christian_) How cool is that? From unsure to completely confident through time and God's grace! Give her a follow! You won't be sorry. She is a far cry from the shy, little girl she used to be, but it is her TIME!
It is also so amazing when my students in class grasp the lessons and finally "get it!" Learning is very individualized. Everyone learns at his or her own pace. Kids may be struggling with a difficult math concept, or have trouble reading, and then it seems BOOM, things begin to take a turn for the better! That moment when you see the lightbulb go off and it finally registers, and that kid is making progress is so amazing! It is so rewarding to witness and often becomes one of the true highlights of this very interesting career called teaching.
Recently, a little girl was having difficulty with multiplication and found her worksheet quite challenging. I told her to "jump around" and do the questions she did know first. She misunderstood me and LITERALLY started jumping like a hopscotch game in the classroom saying "5 x 0 is 0! 5 x 1 is 5! etc." Not quite what I meant but she said " Mrs. R. I get it now!" Very cute!
Several years ago, I recall an encounter I had with a wounded butterfly on my lawn. Out for a walk on a beautiful spring day, I noticed a little butterfly struggling in the grass. Not only did it have a large chunk missing from its wing, but to add insult to injury, our sprinklers were on and it was completely soaked. Despite these seemingly insurmountable odds, the butterfly fluttered and flapped, trying to get off the ground. I was moved with compassion at the determined tenacity of this little creature and had to intervene! I carefully lifted the fragile insect onto my driveway to give it an opportunity to at the very least, dry out. I was determined to try to help if I could. For many hours I checked in on my tiny winged friend. My husband felt that the butterfly could NEVER fly with wings like that, but guess what? My story has a happy ending, because I actually witnessed it fly away and I was very touched by this wonderful sight.
Maybe you feel like that butterfly. You are trying so hard to fly, but it is not yet your time, even though you wish so much that it was! Life has perhaps dealt you some hard blows and as much as you are trying to rise above them, you have never felt lower. Please know, Your time is coming my friend! Don't give up. When the time is right it will happen! Remember, It is not about how you start, but how you finish. I have been where you are and I have lived to tell. God's timing is perfect and there is truly a season for everything in life.
I have had several miscarriages, and remember feeling I may never be a mom, but I am now so blessed with my two children, Tyler and Shannon. God is so good and I cannot imagine my life without them. Maybe you are ready to share your gifts and talents with the world, but you are shy or nervous, like Shannon was. You wonder what others will think or say, or you may be afraid of failure. You will never know what you are capable of, if you don't put yourself out there! You are an amazing person who has so much to offer this world! Step up to the mic and let's hear your voice! I believe in you and so does God! So listen up! Stand up straight! Shoulders back! Take a deep breath and smile! Relax, because this is your time or your time is coming! Rest in that knowledge, and enjoy your moment, whenever it comes. Until next time, Dana Little Lesson Learned: There is a right time for everything and good things do come to those who wait! Ecclesiastes 3:1 For everything that happens in life, there is a season, a right time for everything under heaven. Copyright: 2024 littlelessonslearnedbydana ( revised edition, 2013: first edition) (Dana Romualdi) Dana Romualdi, the copyright holder reserves all rights to the content on the blog and website Little Lessons Learned by Dana, including the right to reproduce, distribute, and display the content. No content or photographs may be reproduced or modified. Blogs may be shared on social media platforms in their entirety only with full credit given to the owner. Any photographs used by other photographers are used with permission and are also protected. All Rights Reserved. Tags: Christian blogger, Christian blog, transformations, timing is everything, God's timing, butterflies, lessons from butterflies, encouragement, classroom anecdotes, spiritual guidance
Shan and I at The Butterfly Conservatory in Niagara Falls, Ontario. I prayed a butterfly would land on me as a sign from my sweet Mom. It happened!
3/4/2024 08:22:19 am
Thank you for reminding me, it is all in the timing. Maree
3/5/2024 04:37:19 pm
I need the reminder too so much!!!!!
3/4/2024 10:36:24 am
I love the butterfly story. I am so happy it had a good ending. I see how God gives us a chance to dry out and fly. The "son" just needs to hit us.
3/4/2024 01:32:34 pm
Love that analogy!
3/4/2024 01:32:07 pm
Yes; God's timing is always best.
3/4/2024 01:54:26 pm
Appreciate the encouragement here. It's hard to be patient nowadays. I'm trying to re train myself in it, as I also teach my children.
3/5/2024 04:38:18 pm
Great to connect here with other teachers. Thank you for your kind comments!
3/5/2024 04:40:48 pm
Thank you so much. I wrote my first draft of this blog in 2013 and WOW the prayers that have been answered and things that have come to pass since then! It was so exciting for me to write the updated version and see all that God has done. His timing always wins and we must trust.
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January 2025