![]() So here we are in January and the cold weather has finally hit us. We have been very spoiled and have had a great stretch of mild weather to date, but last Sunday, it was truly a different story. Cars were in the ditch, vehicles were swerving all over the place, and visibility was very poor on the way to church. We seriously toyed with the idea of going home instead, but pressed on and I am so glad we did. As we were late for church by now, we slipped quietly into the balcony. Feeling relieved to have gotten there safely, I allowed myself to let the beautiful worship music penetrate my soul, and as our worship team led “Good Good Father,” I felt such peace, even in the midst of a severe snowstorm. I felt truly blessed that we had made it to church and thankful for all of my many blessings as well. It is funny how one snowy day could make people go either way. Some were moaning and groaning and others were commenting on the beauty of it all. Perspective is everything. We follow Stephen Curry on Instagram and Twitter. He is an NBA All-Star basketball player and as famous as he is, it seems his young daughter Riley has somewhat surpassed him. She often sits in on his interviews with the press, and usually has a thing or two to say for sure. We couldn’t help but giggle on one interview when she just interrupts him and grabs the microphone interjecting with “Way up I feel blessed.” It is so cute and comical as in the busyness of the interview, of all the things she could have said, she chose to say that. This simple video spoke to my heart as it reminded me again about perspective. Many times in life I find myself feeling the exact opposite. It is more like “Way up I feel STRESSED!” It is easy to stay stuck in that mentality and let your personality reflect that. When I feel that way however, I have been practicing training my thoughts to think differently and focus on all that is good in my life. I think of people and circumstances and thank God that He has included them in my life for His purpose and think instead “Way up I feel blessed.” I find this simple exercise has really helped me as I ponder my situation and allow some healthy perspective to penetrate my thoughts. It is never a dull moment in my classroom. It is high energy, non-stop action from the first bell, but I tell you it keeps me young and there is always a laugh to be had each day. This week we were talking in Science about how important water is to all of us and the kids were to complete an assignment that involved a favourite water based activity of their choice such as: swimming, attending a water park or throwing water balloons. When one little guy was asked about his interesting picture he stated “That’s me walking on water!” My adult assistant in the room and I couldn’t help but laugh and I stated “I think only Jesus can do that buddy!” He laughed too and said “I mean I’m playing in the water.” It was very funny. Oh kids say the cutest things I tell you. "Way up I feel blessed" to be their teacher. My son turned 20 this week. It was like I blinked and here standing before me is a handsome young man who remotely resembles this chubby faced toddler I once knew. Tyler said to me “Wow mom. In the next 10 years I could be a husband and father! That is really hard to believe.” What is even harder to believe is that that means in the next 10 years I could be a gramma. I cannot imagine my life without Tyler and Shannon. I prayed to be a mother since I was a little girl. They are my pride and joy and are not only my children, but my dear friends. "Way up I feel blessed" to be their mom. Phil and I will celebrate 24 years of marriage this year. This is quite an accomplishment in today’s society. This too has flown by so quickly. I have been blessed to have Phil by my side through all the ups and downs in life and greatly appreciate his love and support. "Way up I feel blessed" to have a good marriage. This could go on forever really with me listing all that I am thankful for, but I am sure you see where I am going with this. Last but certainly not least "Way Up I feel blessed" to have a "Good Good Father" in Heaven who loves me unconditionally and who has blessed me much more than I deserve. We all truly have so many blessings right in front of us but as they are often commonplace for us, it is easy to take them for granted. None of us are promised a lifetime. We truly do not know how long we have to enjoy what God has bestowed upon us. I know I want to spend the time I have being thankful and blessing and appreciating others. Life is too short to do otherwise. If "Way up you feel stressed," why not try turning it around to "Way up I feel blessed." It sure works for me! Until next time, ~ Dana Philippians 4:4 ~ Rejoice in the Lord always and again I say rejoice. Little Lesson Learned: Life is hard at times, but there is so much always to be thankful for. Count your blessings, not your stressors! Copyright: littlelessonslearnedbydana, 2016
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January 2025